GIVE HER BACK!!!!ep 18

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No ones POV

The group saw blood splatters everywhere and saw Mrs Novoa and Mr. Novoa on the floor and saw that Jemma was no where to be seen.

"Jemma!!!" Emma screamed on the top of her lungs."jemma!!!!!" Emma started to yell is horror to find out that Jemma was no where in sight."please?"emma whispered quietly as she started to cry in pain.She was their first and loving child anyone could find.Jax on the other hand went over to his parents.

"Mum?Dad?" he says as tears started to stream down his face.He felt........Broken inside.He started to cry and went to Emma who had tears streaming down her cheeks and Andi and Maddie soon started to cry at this tragedy.Jemma was gone.Jax's parents were Gone.Who could have taken Emma and murdered Jax's parents

Emma's POV.

"Jax We have to get her back.She just a little baby.Shes part of us.Shes.......Our mini us.She has Your Raven black hair.She has my Eyes.Shes just like you.That's why she makes me happy.She brings joy to us so we need to get her back." I say to Jax choking in my words.

"Ok everybody hold on." Jax says holding on to my waist and teleported to everybody who hated us but one didn't shock us that much.Daniel,Ally,and Anika teamed up to take Jemma away from us.

"Let Jemma go!!!" Andi says.

"Ok only on one condition.jax goes out with me and Emma goes out with Daniel." Ally says smirking her ass off.

"Um tired of people telling me what to do so have Daniel get stuck in the box 2" I casted a spell but ally stopped me by hurting me with her evil magic.Shes a witch?

"Oh Emma.Despicable.Theirs one thing you don't know about me.Im a witch." Ally says smirking once again.

"Well I have to do something too."

~A good witch always obeys unlike you.I shall wipe away your powers and you'll forget about them too.~

Ally tried to cast a spell didn't work.

"As for you Daniel~Cherries,Sprikles ice cream float.turn Daniel in a goat.~" I turned Daniel into a goat.

"And Anika ~Anika take back what you said or else I'll turn you hair red.~"
instead of her ugly blond hair.its red.

"A panther you must never dare.Turn ally into a hair." I heard Maddie say to ally who turned into a hare.

We found Jemma and took her home but why would Anika kill her own parents??


Hey guys so why do you think Anika killed her parents.Find out in the next yeah BYE!!!!!



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