Pictures Never Die

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When she looked in the mirror, all Willow saw was a killer. A dark, black-eyed killer. She knew it wasn't her and it was the magicks she consumed, but it was because she had an undying hunger for power that so much blackness entered her system. Warren. The name brought a severe mix of feelings throughout her body- mostly consisting of pure hatred, but more so guilt. Guilt and sorrow. He may have taken everything from her, her heart, her soul, and her everything, but she still had felt ashamed and guilt for taking his life. But it wasn't her. It was the magicks. That's what Giles told her, but she had a feeling that was so her guilty conscious could rest. But it wouldn't, no matter how hard she tried not to, she still saw his pathetic face when she closed her eyes. She would be punished to having to see his face, and then be tormented with the beautiful blonde who held her heart and took it to her grave. The reflection never lies, she was a killer. She tortured and killed Warren, but she also murdered Tara.

Those thoughts consumed her as she gagged in pain. No. No she didn't kill her. She loved her. But if she loved her so much why'd she put her in a bullets path? "Stop it!" the readhead screeched while hitting her head. "Stop!" her tears were nonstop down her face. Wiping most of them away, she once again looked in the mirror. She maybe saw a killer, but her friends saw something past that. And they needed her. So she would suck it up for their sake, and put on a brave face. Tara, who?

A while later Willow exited the bathroom, dressed in an outfit in between sleep wear and casual. She didn't remember buying it, but it fit her comfortably so she went with it. When she reached the doorway of her room, she stopped, a figure greeting her tired eyes. It was Dawn, sitting at the left side of the bed, Tara's side. She didn't notice the redhead in the doorway because she was looking down at a photograph that laid in her lap.

Willow didn't want to startle the teen, so she announced her presence. "Dawnie?" she asked in a small voice.

The teen didn't look up from the picture on her lap. "Sorry, I just." Her finger was gently stroking the side of the frame. "I kinda did this a lot, while you were away." Finally, she looked up to meet Willow's clouded eyes, sadness covering her own features. Willow approached the teen's side and sat beside her. Now she could see what she was so focused on, and understood right away-she had stared at it constantly too. It was a picture of the three of them; Dawn, Willow and Tara. It was taken at a simpler time, when things were better and willow could smile. It was one of things left valuable to Willow in this world. The great thing about pictures, is that pictures never die.

The former witch was staring so intently at the blondes face that she didn't realize the little droplets of water covering the frame. it was only then that Willow realized Dawn had been crying.

"Dawn...." she looked her face which was still aimed down at the picture.

"I miss her so much."

Willow had put one arm around the youngest Summers and pulled her onto her shoulder. "I know, Dawnie. Me too." The room fell silent for a few moments as the teen absorbed the comfort.

"Willow?" she finally asked in a small whisper.


"Can I tell you something?"


"Right after everything happened, and you left, I slept in here. Almost every night, actually. I just missed her so much...but I slept in here because I missed you too." She sniffled and looked up. "I still miss you."

Willow said nothing, unsure of what to say to a loaded statement like that.

"But I know, that it's gonna take time before you can come back. I'm just glad your home." She put the picture back into the nightstand and looked back up to Willow's face. The once full of life expression was gone and just replaced with a statue. A emotionless, stone statue.

The redhead attempted to smile, but failed. "Me too, Dawn." She sat motionless as the teen got up and moved to the door. "Wait."


"I want you to take this with you." She walked over to the teen, handing her the picture.

"Are you sure?" dawn was incredibly grateful, this would be her only picture of her and what she considered her teen mom.

"Yeah, I have others." Willow tried to add an emotion to her voice, but it was all monotone.

The teen sniffled and pulled her friend into a tight hug. "Thank you!" she said genuinely.

At least Willow did something good. That was more then she had done in a while. And despite of all of her mistakes, she hoped that somewhere, somehow Tara was proud.

Gone AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora