Return to me

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It took some medication, serious slayer strength, and the lure of mochas to get Willow out of her dorm and to drop the insane thought that the love of her life was fake. But of course, if Buffy knew her best friend, then she knew she didn't truly let it go.

They sat there, silently swishing the contents in their cups before Buffy got a bit bored. "Will? Is there any particular reason you chose this seat?" when they walked into the place, Willow made a beeline for this table. That is, of course, after she made them walk up and down the street because someone was sitting there.

Willow looked down at the steaming, mocha liquid in her glass and studied and every drop. But knowing patience is something her friend lacked, she knew she should probably answer. "We sat at this table the day before......the afternoon before our reconcile. I...I claimed this table. It's mine!" She realized by the end she raised her voice into a yell that attracted some eyes, so she lowered her gaze back down to her coffee.

Buffy looked properly pushed into place with just a hint of embarrassment. However, she knew this is what her friend needed. They still didn't know why Joyce was back, and she knew it wasn't normal. But he also knew that it was probably a stirring thought in the redhead's mind that Tara will come back too. But it would not happen. And she knew it would re-destroy the woman completely.

"I-I'm sorry, Buff. I'm just....sorry." She jumped up and started gather her bag. "I'm just gonna head back to my dorm. I...I'll see you later."

"No, Will, stay please. I didn't mean to push.... I want you to stay." Buffy was only answered with a look that told her she needed to be alone she felt a meltdown coming on, and she's publicly embarrassed herself enough for one day.

The slayer nodded with a sigh and watched as her friend scurried away, disappearing in the bustling streets of the Sunnydale strip.

Willow too off like a bullet leaving a gun, and didn't stop until she was safely tucked inside Tara's dor-Her dorm. Who was she kidding, she'll always remember the small, single dorm with black walls and fairy lights stringing them as the timid blonde's place. It still had some of her energy.

Willow collapsed on the bed, suddenly out of breath and overcome with the sensation of feeling the blonde around her. It passed as soon as it came, but it soothed the former witch until she was mildly shaking, a better condition she's been in for quite a while.

Before she knew it, Willow was climbing back to consciousness. She creaked her eyes open carefully, then looked over to the clock on the which read 5:15. She had slept for the better half of the day.

"Wha..." The redhead stretched out lazily.

"Welcome back, I thought you were gonna sleep the whole day away, sleepy."

Willow's eyes shot open to see them standing right there.

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