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Home. Where is home? Do I have one anymore? Did I ever have one? Yes. Yes you did but it's gone now.

Willow wandered throughout the town, somehow ending up at the entrance of the New Sunnydale school. It was closed of course, being a weekend on a construction site and all, but being a witch sometimes meant locks weren't as challenging as they were before.

Needing somewhere to be, Willow opened the door and just walked. Anywhere with no set destination because honestly she had never been in that school before. She was utterly lost. But it fit her perfectly. Willow was lost. But instead of asking for directions, she sees the only solution being just to keep making herself more and more lost until it feels familiar.

Soon enough it felt familiar. Just as soon as she stepped foot into the new and improved library she felt it shift in front of her eyes. It definitely felt familiar then.
"What the...." he whispered under her breath as she walked across the old tile floor to the old research table. Taking it all in, it was her home. Well at least at one point it felt like it was. Her life here with being research gal, being a magical virgin who had good friends and a sensitive boyfriend. She was a much needed asset to the group. Needed and loved. Now she's a shell. Useless, recovering magic junkie who has people who are so tired dealing with her and the love of her life, her soulmate, was sealed a fate she felt 100% responsible for. Now she's just the biggest liability.

While thinking a thousand words a minute, she sat facing the door remembering the times she and the gangs came through those doors. At times of the up and rising big bads, the apocalypses and the last minute readership for projects. All of this distracting from the figure taking form behind her.
Little fire-flit sized lights silently buzzed around until they took form of a sassy form of no one other then the Queen Of Sunnydale, Cordelia Chase.
Cordelia, having becoming part demon to house the visions she had been given in order to continue to save helpless coeds with angel and the rest of the LA Gang, she eventually had to sacrifice herself to become a higher being to do good on a greater scale. In other words, she had some major transformations since high school. This place. these walls. These halls all screamed to her too. Mocked her with her past and haunted her soul. But she couldn't let that affect what she was allowed to come and do. She had a mission to carry out.

"Willow." Cordelia called from behind the redhead, causing her to jump nearly out of her skin.

Willow turned around, completely puzzled. "Cordelia?"

"In the flesh.... for the first time in forever." Cordy looked down and admired the sight of real flesh housing her essence.

"Cordy...what are you doing here? the last I heard you were evil... And pregnant?"

"Oh god, where have you been!" She looked down to make sure she wasn't still pregnant and had her slim body. "That was so a year ago. Yeah no, the evil spawn in me made me a crazy homicidal hormonal biatch. I'm good now. Actually I'm a higher being!" She smiled proudly.

Willow was still very confused. "That's great! So um, why are you here again..?"

Cordy looked offended and put a hand to her chest"Ouch, Willow. All the time we spent here means nothing to you does it?"

"The time we spent here you made sure I didn't enjoy." Willow watch Cordy's face flash with regret and her had dropped.

"Yeah, that." Her face looked back up quickly as she remembered her time allowed on earth was limited. "I came here because the powers said you needed something. Something is happening in this town. Something big, like always, amirite? Sunnyweird. Anyway, they said to bring her here. " She waved her hand over to the top of the staircase when another figure flashed Into existence. The dyed honey blonde hair, the ocean blue deep eyes, the plump full rosey pink lips. The calming air the rolled off her and engulfed the people around her. The Everything. All there.


Sorry for the extra long wait but I'm trying guys I'm trying.

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