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"Wow really? 'from beneath you, it devours'?" Buffy's face scrunched up in confusion and disapproval. "Wow these demons are just getting tackier by the minute." The slayer sat across the small, round bar table from her redheaded, tired friend. They were in the Bronze, requested by Xander and Anya to join them as they celebrated an important milestone for them as a couple. Why they would beg the technically widowed woman into coming to a place with endless drinks to drown her sorrows, Is unknown. But Xander pitched it as "Like the gold old days", so how could she refuse?

"Yep. That's what it said." Willow sighed just as monotone as before when she originally said it.

Buffy, either not picking it up or ignoring it, disregarded the tone and continued. "I'll tell Giles. He thinks he's got why mom came home. And why the library flashed back."

"Really?" The brainiac's interest was peaked.

"A dimensional fit? no uh drift! Drift!"

"A dimensional drift?" Willow asked curiously, showing a bit of real emotion and interest. "What does that mean?"

Buffy shrugged, "I dunno. You should ask Giles." Her excited face hatched a large smile when a song he obviously like started to play. "All I know is with mom being back and Dawn glued to her side, this is the first night in two years I've had to myself, and they're playing my song. I'm gonna go dance!" she squealed to punctuate her excitement as she scurried off to complete the dance floor.

Willow sighed, realizing she was the only thing close to an adult tonight, and shuffled her way to the surprisingly empty bar area for a refill.

She reached the counter, leaning over it slightly as she told the bartender what she wanted. Only looking over her shoulder when she felt a brief hand on her back, before he heard a small thud of something colliding into the bar island beside her.

"Hey there good looking." A very wasted brunette crooned with breath that reeked of strong alcohol.

Willow turned to see an almost slobbering woman eyeing her rack before finishing her drink with a final swig. "Uh, hi?"

The woman stuck out her hand. "Kennedy."

Willow politely waved instead, deciding she didn't trust where that hand has been. "Willow."

"Ooh a name just as pretty as you."

"Thank you." Willow dropped her gaze from the woman, wanting to deflate all conversation immediately.

Kennedy took this as a sucessful pick up line and continued. "So are you here alone or-"

"I have a girlfriend." Willow snapped.

"Oh, do you now? well I don't see miss tramp around here-"

"Shut up."

"You could do better. C'mon let me have a go and I promise you'll have a better ti-"

"Leave me alone." Willow wanted to slap her. She wanted to just beat the life out of kennedy's body. But she couldn't. She wouldn't like it. So instead, she turned and ran. Ran out of the bronze and escaped to her dorm. Into the lingering energy of her lover to soothe her. Take her away from this cruel, harsh world. Even if it were for a little while.

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