walking down to love

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Vlad's POV

She said yes that she will marry me and now that day has come for her to be mine. I love her and now I will protect her with all my strength and never let her go. She'll be my queen and she knows me. It's better to marry your best mate then a complete stranger. Everyone was stressing over the decorations while Dad was arguing with Sophie's Dad and Rainie's Dad just because Rainie wasn't supposed to be my wife but I don't care. She's mine and nobody is going to take her away from me. I put on my suit and attemptedly fail to do my tie then Mum knocked on the door. She poked her head inside and smiled evilly like the Mum I know. 

"Hello, Darling. I heard you were getting married and I just wanted to see my little boy get married to that Sophie, right?" she asked

"Actually, I don't love Sophie and I'm not marrying her. I getting married to Rainie, the woman I really love." I said proudly. 

Her smile faded away and said "Ok, well, here let me do your tie." she grabbed my tie gently and successfully completed the tie. 

"Thanks, Mum, if you try and wreck my marriage then I will make sure Dad knows about Patrick." I threatened calmly. 

"Look, Darling. I am not here to wreck your marriage. I am here to see my only son get married." she said. 


Rainie's POV

I have already got my wedding dress and now I've got quite a difficult job: tell my Dad that Zack is giving me away. He didn't really care about me but me being sent away from home, watching my best mate get married to a stranger and trys to get rid of me but that all happened to get me here: in a wedding dress getting married. 

Mind you, Zack has been there for me all my life. Dad and Zack burst through the door and Dad started saying

"Right now, I give you away like this, right foot, together, left foot, together..." 

"Dad!" I interupted. 

He stopped immediatly. 

"I have to tell ya something, you are not giving me away, I want Zack to." I continued. 

Dad's breathing quickened and he screamed in anger. 

"WHY?! I AM YOUR FATHER!" I shouted

"Because he has been there for me all my life more then you!" I said back. 

"If you don't accept the fact, then don't bother coming to the wedding!" I threatened. He sighed. 


Vlad's POV

We were now sitting at the row where I was getting married. Well, she is late, is she having second thoughts?

"Where is she? What if she has took off? Is it normal for the bride to be late?" I asked Robin, my best man. 

He rolled his eyes and replied 

"Yes Vlad, it is normal. She is probably in the dressing room and if she had second thoughts, she would here right now apologising." 

I calmed down a bit. 

Then the organ started playing the wedding tune. We all stood up as I walked to my position. 

Then I saw Rainie in her dress. 

She looked amazing. I never thought I could be her husband. 

She smiled shyly at me. I blushed at the sight of her. She chose to marry me when she could be with someone better but I'm never gonna let her go. 

She held my hand while we said our vows.

"I now prounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride." the priest said calmly yet proudly. 

We both smiled and kissed. 

Rainie's POV 

We are on our way to our honeymoon for 4 weeks. Yes! No Dads being bossy and it's just me and Vlad expressing love to one another. 

I fell asleep on the plane. I woke up to 6 in the afternoon on my bed in a dark villa in my underwear. Vlad was watching me beside me smiling. 

"Hey, are you ok?" he asked

"Yeah, I feel wide awake and I wanna stay that way until the end of 4 weeks." I said happily

Vlad smile widened and said "Well, I better make the most of it then."

He got on top of me as he kissed me passionatly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he reached for my undies. 

"You ready?" he asked

"Yes." I replied. 

Then he burst my mind into lust and passion.

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