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Chapter 9

Amanda was just leaving work as she clocked out. Amanda walk to her car opening the driver's side door.She drove off from her workplace to home.

While driving home, her car came to stop. She pulled over to the side of the road. She look at the gas to see if it was empty. Then she check if she had a flat tire. Amanda got inside her car and attempt to start the car. It wouldn't start.

"You have got to be kidding me." She place her head in the steering wheel

Amanda quickly got her phone and called her father. He didn't answer. Then she called her mom. She didn't answer. She finally tried calling her sister. She answered. Amanda face lit up to know someone answer her call.

"Hey, I know your at work. My car won't start and I have no clue what it is." She exclaimed

"Did you check your tires? Or gas? Or your engine?" Amelia asked her

"I check the tires. Their fine and the gas hand is full. I didn't check the engine." She lift the hood of her trunk examining her engine

"Well. . ." Amelia said impatiently

"Nothing is wrong with it Amelia." She said out of frustration

"Look I'm going to call dad. Stay there and I'll be up there." Amelia reassured her

"I'm on Hollow Lane just entering the interstate." Amanda notified her sister

"Okay, bye." Amelia said

She end the call with her sister getting back inside her car. While she waited she text Melissa. A loud horn caught her attention. She look back to see a car behind her but it wasn't Amelia.

She was hesitant to get out of the car. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. He stood inches away from the car flashing a smile. Amanda waved nervously at the friendly stranger.

"I notice you were on the side of the road. Do you need some help?" His deep baritone sent chills down her spine

"My sister is coming no thanks." She kindly decline his offer

"Okay. Get home safe." The guy waved at her

Amanda phone started ringing. She pick up the phone. The Caller ID flash 'Sister' across the screen. She quickly answered the call looking through her rear view mirror. The guy got inside his car preparing to drive off.

"Hello" Amanda said checking to see if he left

"I'm going to be 15 minutes late. There is a bad car accident where I'm at." Amelia explained

"Alright. I guess." Amanda sighed

"In the meantime, try calling mom and dad." Amelia reassured her.

"Alright bye." She end the call

Amanda couldn't wait any longer. She had help but turn it down. Hopefully, he was still kind enough to help after she decline his offer. She got out of the car waving to get his attention. He turned his car around parking it beside hers. The guy rolled down the passenger's window giving her the 'I told you so' look.

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