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Chapter 21

The weekend went by fast. Amanda was happy to be home, catch up with friends and family. Melissa and Eric were sprawled on her bed. They laugh at old high school memories. Melissa brought up the time when Eric tried to impress during a basketball game then ended up scoring the opposing team goal. Amanda shared the time she embarrass herself in front of her crush. She attempted to a flip then rip her pants. Melissa told the story when she was caught skipping. The room fill with laughter.

"It really doesn't feel like we graduate but we did." Eric said chuckling softly

"I know. We had a good year." Melissa said reassuringly

"Yeah. . ." Amanda said trailing off as she zip her suitcase

"Hey Amanda." A unfamiliar voice said from behind

Amanda whip her head around to see her sister fiance with his arm drape around Amelia's shoulder. Amanda force a fake smile as she waved at them both.

"I'm Carter. We have never been introduce properly. Your sister told me a lot about you." He reach out his hand

"Oh, yeah." Amanda said taking his hand

"I hope to be apart of this family soon. It feels like home already." Carter said smiling at Amelia

"I love you." Amelia said before kissing him on the lips

Amanda rolled her eyes then sat on the bed. Melissa nudge her arm while laughing. Amanda did not like Carter and she believe the engagement was too sudden. A month? What could her sister possibly know about him? What did he know about her?

"If you two mind, there are other people in the room." Amanda said, her voice lace in annoyance

"Sorry. I'm going to miss you." Amelia said while blushing

"Me too." Amanda said half smiling

"Bye Amanda." Carter said before being pulled away by Amelia

Amanda ignored him walking to the door to shut it. One more minute with them being affectionate then Amanda would go insane. She was not fond of Carter. Although she hate to see her sister unhappy, he didn't seem fit to be with her sister.

"Why don't you like Carter?" Eric ask leaning over on his side

"I just don't." Amanda answered him truthfully

"He looks like he is happy to be with Amelia." Eric asserted her

"Who's to say its a front? Look, I don't know anything about the guy." She said crossing her arms

"Get to know him." Melissa suggested to Amanda

"No! I am not doing that." Amanda said in disgust

"Eric and I are getting married so what's the difference with them doing the same." Melissa said motioning her arms

"You still don't get it? It doesn't sit well with me. I am against it." Amanda said raising her voice

"They are in love. There is nothing wrong with that." Eric explains

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