A New Start

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Chapter 13

Amanda sat on the edge of her bed staring at her empty room. She was going to college. A feeling of nausea came over her. Amanda's mother called her name from downstairs.

"Your father is ready. Go before you be late." Paula notified her

Amanda walked out of her bedroom. She close the door behind her heading downstairs. Paula pulled her daughter into a tight embrace. She kiss her fore- head ruffling her curly hair.

"Amanda. You are becoming a woman now. You have to make decisions for yourself. Your father and I will always be there for you. We love you. I'm so proud of you baby girl." Paula said with tears in her eyes

"I love you too." Amanda said before leaving out the front door


After a hour and thirty minute drive they arrive on campus. Eli parked his car opening the driver's door. He grab the suitcases in the back seat shutting the door behind him. Amanda exit the car following behind her dad.

At the admission office Amanda received her schedule and directions to her dorm room. Her eyes widen as she looked around the room. She assumed the other roommates haven't made it yet. She took it upon herself to claim a room.

"Amanda I could use some help." Eli stumbled behind her

"Sorry daddy. " Amanda grab her suitcase placing it inside her room

"Okay, I know your becoming an adult but I want you to focus on your work. If there is a emergency call me or your mother. I love you Amanda." Eli pulled her into a hug

"I love you too daddy." Amanda said while laughing

"Look I am about to leave. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. No drugs or sex." Eli said in a joking manner

"Dad! Can you go? Now!" Amanda prop her hands on both hips

"Okay, I'm gone." He said before leaving. "But I'm serious about what I said." Eli came back to the door

Amanda shook her head at her father. He was only being an overprotective parent. Amanda walk to her room unpacking all her things. She heard a voice behind her quickly turning around.

"Hey roommate! You stay out of my way and my room then we might just get along." The voice sounded familiar

"Kimberly." Amanda said becoming familiar with her face

"Yes. And who the hell are you?" She said rolling her eyes

"I'm Amanda Davis." She answered

"I didn't know they except someone with low SAT scores." Kim flip her hair walking away

Amanda resumed unpacking her things. After she finish, she decided to go take a walk around campus. Her phone began to ring. She stop at this nearby bench then answered the call.

"What's up chica. Your finally a college girl." Melissa said on the other line

"Its so different. I am a little nervous." Amanda looked around the campus

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