The Wedding

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Chapter 39

The big day finally camed. Amelia was getting dressed along with the brides- maids. Amanda's mother begged that she was to be apart of the wedding. It was not as simple. Amelia rather not have Amanda there. She believed that her younger sister would sabatoge her wedding. Amelia did not allow her to be apart of the wedding party but she was welcome to attend.

"You look lovely Amelia."Paula said admiring her daughter beauty

"Thanks mom." Amelia said walking over to her mom

"I am looking at a younger version of myself. You are going to be a good wife. Don't forget what I taught you." Paula said with tears falling down her cheeks

"Mom. I love you." Amelia wrapped her arms around her mother

"I love you baby." Paula said caressing Amelia's cheek

"Ladies, it's time to start the wedding. I need the bridesmaids." Isla notified everyone

"I'll be leaving now." Paula said with a small smile

"Okay." Amelia said as she watch her mom walk away

The bridesmaids piled into a long line. Isla guide them to the front doors. The room was empty. Amelia stared at her reflection through the big mirror that was against the wall. She took a deep breath. This is it, Amelia thought to herself.

Minutes later, Isla came back ready for the bride. Amelia lift her veil over her face. Isla handed her the bouquet of flowers. Amelia walked out with a smile on her face. Isla held the long train. Amelia faced the doors that were to be open.

Once the music began, the doors open revealing Amelia. Everyone ooed and awed as she walked in. Amelia look at Carter who had tears falling down his eyes. She felt her heart flutter. Amelia walk in small steps onto the petals on the aisle. She met her father linking her arm around his arm. Eli smiled at his daughter. They stood side by side.

"Who gives this woman to be with this man?" The pastor asked

"I do." Eli said firmly

Amelia hug her father before he sat by her mother. The sermon resumed. He recited from the book. Next, was the rings to be exchanged as they repeat what he said. After uplifting words, the pastor let Amelia and Carter say their vows that they have written.

"Carter, I love you with all my heart. I know you were sent from above. You are more than my husband, you are eternity. You mean the world to me. I know this is forever. I will give my all to you. I am yours and you are mine. I love you." Amelia croaked

"Amelia. Your amazing. You don't know what it means to have a woman like you by my side. When your sad, I will make you smile. When your angry, I will fulfill your needs. No matter what happens I will be there. You are my love. My heart belongs to you." Carter said with honesty

"Carter, do you take Amelia to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part." The pastor said while reading from his book

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