Never Ending

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Chapter 25

Amanda and Brandon continued to hang out. When they didn't hang out they text each other. Brandon stayed over her dorm the other night after watching a movie. Kevin haven't text her while she has been at college. It didn't bother her at all. Kimberly never spoke to her after their last encounter.

Amanda laid on Brandon chest. He wrap his arms around her waist as they sat in silence. Her sister and her fiance was minutes away from the campus. She wish he could with her but he couldn't. It was in the middle of December. This time of year people are celebrating for the holidays with relatives.

"I am going to miss you." Amanda said kissing his neck

"I'll miss you too. Your family comes before me, so try to have fun." He said rubbing her arm gently

"Only if you do the same." Amanda averted her eyes to his

"I promise." Brandon said while smiling

They laid up for awhile until Amelia text her that she was here. Amanda lift herself off Brandon then put on her shoes. Brandon sat up from her bed walking over to Amanda. He turn her around kissing her forehead. She hug him in return. Brandon put on his shoes grabbing Amanda's suitcase.

Amanda told him goodbye as they departed from each other. She walk over to her sister car walking to the trunk. She place it in after Amelia pop open the trunk. Amanda sat in the backseat pulling her seatbelt around her.

"Hey Amanda." Amelia said to her sister

"Hey Amelia." Amanda said with a warm smile

"I'm here too." Carter said looking back at Amanda

Amanda completely ignored him then pulled out her phone. Carter muttered something under his breath. She was unbothered and text Brandon on the way home.

"Did you meet anybody new?" Amelia said averting her eyes to the rear view mirror

"I met this girl name Stacey. She and I became friends." Amanda said looking up from her phone

"How did you guys meet?" Amelia ask out of curiosity

"In literature class." Amanda said replying to her unread messages

"That's great. You told Melissa about this new friend." Amelia teased her

"Melissa is my bestfriend. I'm sure she wouldn't get jealous." Amanda said rolling her eyes playfully

"Enough girl talk. Tell me about the guys there." Amelia said eyeing her sister

"There decent. Why you want to know?" Amanda said while laughing

"Amelia, the only guy you should be concern about is me." Carter added

"Babe. I was just asking about my sister. She hasn't been on a date since forever." Amelia said looking over at him

"I'm sure some guy will be interested in your sister. She's decent." Carter said with a coy smile

"Carter! That's not nice." Amelia exclaimed hiting his arm

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