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Amanda was shock that her sister was now engaged. It was still registering in her mind that Amelia was soon to be married.

Melissa came into the room waddling over to the bed. Amanda snapped out from her daze looking up at her. This was her fifth time going to the bath- room. They shared a laugh as Melissa laid on the bed. She was staying over this weekend before Amanda had to return back on campus.

"I'm ready to give birth." Melissa said while running her fingers through her hair

"Your almost there." Amanda said assertively

"Yeah. It's easy for you to say. Your not the pregnant one." Melissa said rolling her eyes

"Oh, shut up." Amanda said playfully waving her off

"So. . ." Melissa started off.

"Eric and I found an apartment just 30 minutes away. We spoke to the realtor to set a date to tour the place." Melissa continued

"That's great. I hope you guys get the apartment. After all you got a bun in the oven, right." Amanda said cheerful with a light chuckle

"What's new at school?" Melissa said grabbing her bag of chips

Amanda explained everything about meeting a friend, classes, Kim, and the parties. Nothing like the average kid who attend college, Amanda thought.

"Any guys." Melissa said with a smirk plastered on her face

Amanda felt her throat tighten as she tried to come up with a lie. He crossed her mind from time to time. Some day she hope he would come b ack to her but he was now a figment of her imagination.

"No." Amanda answered tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

"In that case, Levi wanted to speak to you." Melissa said popping a chip in her mouth

"I'm not interested." She stood up defensively

"It's up to you. I'm not going force you to do anything you don't want to." She informed her

"Your right. It is my choice." Amanda said, her voice lace in irritation, while crossing her arms

"All I'm saying is, you can talk to him at least. Let him explain why he stood you up." Melissa elaborated while motioning her arms

Amanda ignored what Melissa said laying down the opposite way. There was no way Amanda was talking to Levi. Her tolerance was limited. She didn't feel like looking desperate. It seems as everyone was happy except for Amanda. Her bestfriend, Melissa was engaged to her boyfriend, soon to be mother, and have her fence house. Amanda sulked while drowning into sadness.

What would be her life in a few years? Does she have a future waiting on her? Will she be in a relationship? Will love find her? Will she married to the love of her life? Amanda craved the thought of being with someone. Is that too much to ask, she thought to herself.

"Whatever decision you make I will be supportive. Amanda I just want you to be happy." Melissa said laying her head on her shoulder

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