The Grinch's ass gets rekt by an umbrella

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○Authors note○
Look y'all, I know that the titles arent gonna be as good as the last one. Hallie came up with the title and she is currently perishing at work rn. Happy Thotsgiving you thirsty mongrels. I saw the new grinch and I wouldnt shut up the whole time. Other than me being drunk, it was good. Sans undertale fucked my mom.
Anyways, back to the regularly scheduled bullshit.○

You raise your valiant weapon above your head in preparation to strike.

(Honestly, the umbrella reminds me of Taako.)

The face in your chimney wore a look of shock. The face was followed by a neck, and then a body, and lastly a pair of unkempt green legs.

You let him get out of the chimney first, and then you took a swing at his torso. The grinch doubled over and let out a grunt. You vowed then and there that you wouldn't let anyone hurt you ever again.( This bitch just don't catch feelings, too much effort yo.)


Your face was streaming with tears. Your cheeks were a blotchy red as you raised the umbrella again.

Another quick swing was brought down on your unwanted guest.

The grinch crumples to the ground in front of you with his arms raised to cover his face. You raise your weapon again but instead of striking, you let out a sob and fall to your knees.

You back yourself into a wall and draw your knees up to your chest. You lay your head down and cry some more. You were scared, angry, and confused. How dare he come here and destroy the little peace that you had.

It was really only then that you noticed the grinch's strange attire. 'What the fuck is he doing in a santa suit?' You thought.

The grinch sat looking at you from where he was on the floor, holding his side. It was supposed to be an in and out job. He didn't know this was your house, and up until you'd hit him, he was pretty happy that you were here. Now he was just confused. What were you yelling about?

"What do you want?" you were barely heard and it took the grinch a second to make out what you had said.

Not knowing what else to do or how to address what had just happened, the grinch went into his plan to steal Christmas.

"I thought that you were different, that everyone was just being ignorant, but it turns out you're just like them. Selfish and unkind." You lifted your face to meet the grinch's eyes as you said this.

"Just take my crap and get out of my sight before I start swinging again." With this you got up, grabbed your umbrella, and went to your room.

"I'm going back to bed, let me at least have some rest you dickwad." You said.

You were so tired. So so tired. This morning you were so hopeful, and excited. Now you just wanted all of it to be over and done with. Christmas, feelings, life, you wanted all of it gone.

You started to cry again softly, stopping and facing your door with one hand on the doorknob. It was silent behind you. You whipped around.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Just take it, take it all and get out, thats the only thing you're good at."

With that, you went into your room and slammed the door. You locked it just to be sure that no one could come in.

You sat in the middle of your bed with your knees brought up to your chest. It was still quiet ouside your door. A few minutes later you heard tentative knocking. You decided to ignore it.

Couldn't he just do one thing right for once? You just wanted to be alone and away from him forever.

"This is gonna sound bad I know, but why are you mad exactly?" The grinch questions

"What?" You hiss
"You seriously can't THINK as to why im upset" words hissed through clenched teeth made their way through the door.

"I want you to think long and hard about the whobilation." You said "Think about all the people you saw, or didn't see for that matter."

"I didn't know that you went." The grinch said.


"Just get out" you cried desperately.

"Please let me in." The grinch begged. "Please let me in so we can talk about this."

"There is NOTHING to talk about. Im not quite sure what we had, but its over now. Im not just some whore! If you think im going to let you in so that you can apologize or whatever, you're wrong! I don't want to see you ever again. I don't want you to come to my house, and I don't want you anywhere near Cindy Lou. Like I told you earlier, take my shit and leave me alone for the rest of my life." you said completely worn out.

You heard him walk away from the door and go back up the chimney.
You broke down in tears. You got up and opened the door to see that all of your christmas stuff was still there. It honestly didn't matter to you anymore. He didn't even apologize. You couldnt believe your night.

So you decided to go to bed.

○Im a dipshit because I have no clue on how to resolve angst bc im petty and I dont forgive trespasses against me. Today's recommendation is Lilo and Stitch. Its not new or anything but  its one of my favorites. I felt that the picture at the top was a pretty accurate overview of this chapter. It completely encapsulates the essence of the garbage. Tip: dont romanticize abusive relationships. Leon-the-Girl out y'all

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