chapter 15

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pls dont kill me for being away for so long oops i loveyou



The following week went by agonizingly slow. School was boring, homework was tough, and my parents were trying to lecture me throughout the day. I couldn’t sleep in the same bed as  any of the boys, oh but I should bring condoms, better safe than sorry. [EW, MUM] I had to watch what I was eating, and so on and so on.

the only thing keeping me sane were the frequent phone calls with Niall. We could talk for hours at nght,talking about anything and everything. He’d tell me about all of his adventures; the interviews they had, performances they did,  fans they met, gifts they received, all the things they did to prank people [he even admitted that most of the idea’s had sprung from Louis’ evil mind], and even about what he had eaten and worn that day.

I did my best to give him equally as interesting stories back, telling him about school, the studies I was taking, people who got sent to the principal, and about my little brother and his weird sayings. Eventhough I knew it must have been boring stories for him to hear, he was always enthousiastic, telling me he’d even enjoy me reading the manual for a tv for him, just so he could hear my voice.

Only 2 days to go before I would be in his arms again.


Julia’s POV.

I had never been more jealous in my entire life. Amber was going to live with One Direction, on tour, for 2 whole weeks..It was so unfair.. I didn’t even care about them being One Direction ‘the band’ anymore. Ofcourse it had been a shock at first, especially because I was such a big fan, but now that I had gotten to know them, I knew they were just normal boys.

Well.. as far as you could call that group of monkey-children normal..

They had, very fast, gotten themselves stuck in my heart. My 5 new best friends, and one that I had a seriously big crush on. and therefore, I was jealous. I was going to have to miss them, for 2 months and maybe even longer, because of their hectic schedule.

Angry I puffed out some air, which made a funny squeaking noise, making me smile slightly, while I dropped myself on my bed, grabbing my phone off the night stand next to it. 1 new message from Loubear. Yep, he actually named himself Loubear in my phone.

‘gonna call you at 8, be ready.xx’ was everything it said but it still made a smile breakthrough on my face. It was 5 to 8. Why was he even gonna call me? Usually we  just texted, because it’s cheaper, and it can also be very  funny with all the emoticons.

My eyes diverted to the wall, from where some one direction posters stared at me. It was a bit strange, having your friends stare at you from the wall. I stood up, walking closer to check them out.

Louis hair had evidently not been styled by himself, because it was perfectly side-swept and tousled, making him look breathtaking, his blue/green eyes seemed to twinkle with ideas, while his arms were wrapped around Zayn’s shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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