twenty-four • 24

83 8 6

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     "So..." Evan's father leaned back in the driver seat, a lit cigarette hanging out the window as he stared into Evan's eyes, "We're stuck with each other."

Evan couldn't tell if this was a joke, but it really didn't feel like it. They were parked outside of a nondescript building, the occasional man passing through a door around the side. His father spoke up after moments of Evan's silence.

"So this Connor kid... What, are you like gay now?"

"I, uh, I mean, I like Connor, and I've n-never really felt like that about a girl before, so-"

"That doesn't mean you're gay. That means you haven't seen the right women yet, which is why we're here. Trust me, you won't be able to stop thinking about women after tonight."

"What?" Evan asked, but his father was already out of the car, Evan following suit. He caught up with his father at the side door as he flashed an ID, urging Evan to show his own. Once their ages were verified, they stepped into a dimly lit room with loud music and a strong scent of perfume.

As his eyes adjusted to the lighting, he recognized his surroundings to be a strip club. His face heated up and his breathing got rigid as he shook his head and begged to leave. His only experience with a strip club had been when he watched How I Met Your Mother, and even then, the scenes were brief and somewhat subtle.

"We're not leaving, Evan," his father growled, "You need to man up."

Evan stayed silent and stared at his lap as a woman danced on the stage in front of him. He didn't feel right being here, and he definitely didn't feel right watching. He tapped his foot on the ground and waited for her show to be over, only to find her standing in front of him when it was. He was shocked and nervous, looking at his father to help, only to be urged to follow her.

He tried to protest, but his father and the woman were too much to argue against, so he silently followed her to a room in the back. Once they were inside, he dreadfully noticed that they were alone.

"I really shouldn't be here," Evan spoke with purpose and haste, desperate to escape the horribly awkward situation he was in, "I didn't even want to be here-"

"But you are," the woman said, "and I'm being paid for a service, so I need you to let me do what I need to do."

"What do you need to-"

"You need to get laid, correct?"

Evan's eyes widened and he backed up, "What? I don't-"

"That's what every guy who comes in here says, but if that was true, then why would I be getting paid to do this?"

"But I don't want-"

It was too late. Evan was paralyzed with fear when the woman began removing his clothing, too fearful even to protest, so he sat there, crying silently and shaking his head as this stranger had her way with him, against his wishes. Evan was used to not being able to speak, but he had never been so scared that he couldn't bring himself to control his own movement.

The woman dressed and left the room, saying nothing but to leave the door open when he left. He didn't know how long he had been laying there before he finally brought himself to leave wordlessly. He didn't meet back up with his father, he didn't go wait in the car, he just walked aimlessly, hoping to find familiar terrain. He didn't have his phone, so he didn't know where he was, how to get home, and he couldn't call anyone without going into a store and talking to someone to ask to use a phone.

Defeated, Evan sat on a bench and waited for tears to fall, but none came. He wasn't even sad. He just felt disgusted with himself; trapped in a violated body that no longer felt like his own.

Sincerely, Me • Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now