Chapter One

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My eyes opened and adjusted to the bright morning light. I rolled over, placed a pillow over my head and sighed

"Honey, you're going to be late for work" My mom said from my closed door. I mentally rolled my eyes

"I don't want to go in today. I'm not feeling so well" She didn't say anything so I thought she had walked away until the pillow was ripped from my face and my blanket was thrown off of me

"You can't stop living your life over a dumb boy!" My mom yelled. I glared up at her and huffed

I got up and grabbed my scrubs then glared back at my mom

"He wasn't just some boy ma, he was the love of my life" I sniffled. She rolled her eyes and walked out. I changed and threw on some makeup before walking out of the house.

Working at the hospital had its ups and downs. I'm just a phlebotomist but I am in college to be a Registered Nurse

After a long 14 hour shift I grab my things out of my locker.

 "Hey Carmen can you run to floor 7 and grab the charts from room 5?" One of my coworkers asked.

"Sure" I say not to enthusiastically. I take the elevator to the seventh floor and walk to the room. 

I knock on the door of room 5 and then walk in

"Hello, I am just here to- Mom?" I stare at the sight in front of me and start to panic..I run out into the hallway and walk up to one of the nurses 

"What happened to the woman in room 5?!" I asked 

"I can't disclose of that information unless you are family, you should know that"

"I am her daughter, her name is Sophia Jackson I am Carmen Jackson" I said, she nodded and gently grabbed my arm and walked me back to the room

"I will let the doctor know that you are needing information, in the mean time please stay calm" She said with a soft smiled

I waited by her side until the doctor entered.

"Hello Miss Jackson, I am Doctor Higgins. Your mom came here by ambulance a few hours ago. She was found unconscious inside of her home" He said standing in front of the bed, he was absolutely stunning...come on Carmen you can't think about that right now

"She was fine when I left for work this morning...What's wrong with her?" I asked looking up at him 

"She seemed to of suffered a stroke; We ran some tests and a CT scan...It doesn't look good if I'm going to be honest with you" He said with seriousness written over his face

"W-what is it?" I stuttered before sitting down. He grabbed the chair next to me and sat it a few inches in front of me before sitting down as well.

" She has Glioblastoma, we found a tumor in her brain when we ran the CT scan, we thought that we could go in and remove it but it is spreading fast." He said, I stared at him then looked over at my mom. I couldn't cry I couldn't feel anything

"Is it curable?" I asked calmly

"I'm sorry but it's not, it is a very aggressive type of cancer and with the way it is spreading opening her up would only give her less time on this earth." He said, I started shaking and then the tears came, he grabbed my hand and rubbing his thumb over it slowly before letting it go 

"I will give you two some time" He said before getting up and walking out. 

"Carmen?" I heard my moms soft voice. I jumped up and put my arms around her

"Mommy, I'm so sorry" I said through tears. My mom smiled and moved a piece of hair out of my face.

"It's okay my sweet girl" She said letting a few tears escape from her eyes. I laid beside her on the hospital bed and put my head on her chest. She whispered sweet nothings into my ear until I fell asleep.


  I am not a Doctor, but Cancer does in fact run in my family. So I know from experience that Glioblastoma isn't curable. 

Actors who play the characters are 

Alexander is played by Matt Bomer 

Carmen is played by Jessica Green

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