Chapter Seven

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*Play Song Above*

I zipped the back of my dress up, slid my heels on, put on my hat and walked out into the living room. I took a deep breath before grabbing my purse and walking outside being greeted by a limo. The back door opened and Alex walked out holding the door open for me to sit inside. I scooted into the limo and looked out the window watching people walk down the sidewalk, cars drive by, people arguing and mothers holding their babies.

We pulled into the Cemetery, Alex got out and held the door open for me. My family even the family that I haven't met gathered around my mothers casket.

"Today we bury a Daughter, a Granddaughter, a Niece, a Friend, and a Mother....Sophia Jackson was a beautiful and bright soul, she never let down a battle even though she lost hers to Cancer. Today we lay her to rest in piece" The priest said on a podium in front of the casket.

"I welcome Carmen Jackson, the daughter Sophia Jackson has left behind" The priest finished. I got up from the chair and walked up on to the podium...I got a piece of paper from my purse and looked at it for a few seconds before crumbling it up and putting it back into my purse

"My mother...she is-was a stubborn woman, but the one thing she was stubborn over was me. I have never been the perfect child but she turned me into such a strong and independent woman, she was my everything and letting her go is the hardest thing I have to do. Mama, you are no longer struggling and you are no longer in pain. I love you" I said trying not to break down. I stepped down and sat back down. They lowered her casket into the ground, I grabbed Alex's hand and squeezed it. It's been a few weeks and he has given me my distance, I couldn't of done this if it wasn't for him.

I walked into the living room and threw my purse on to the table. There were boxes all over the house, I haven't been in her room since...

A knock woke me from my thoughts, I opened it and let Alex in. He walked in and gave me a small smile

"Here's the money I owe you" He said handing me an envelope I pushed it away

"My mom's dead, I no longer need your money or your services. I am going to pay you back" I said slipping my heels off. He looked at me like I had just shot his dog

"Carmen, I know you are going through-"

"You don't know anything! Thank you for being here for me but I no longer need you or your if you don't mind..please just leave" I said, he sat the envelope down next to my purse and walked out of the house. I bit my lip and slid down my wall, I hit my hands on the floor underneath me and screamed as loud as I possibly could. 

3 Months Later 

I walked into the locker rooms and took my scrubs off, I heard the door open but proceeded to get dressed 

"Carmen" His voice sent chills down my spine, I turned around and Alex stood in front of me with his hands in his Doctors coat. 

"What can I do for you Doctor, Higgins?" I asked pulling my shirt over my head. He pushed me against the lockers and looked into my eyes. 

"You can start by stop acting this way towards me!" He yelled hitting the locker behind me making me wince and turn my head away from him 

"Just go!" I yelled back, he pulled my face back to him and looked into my eyes. My body softened and the tears built up threatening to fall, he pulled me into him and I burst into tears. 

"I-I'm sorry Carmen...I just don't want us to just end up being nothing" He said 

"I needed money to help support my mom, I don't need it anymore" I said moving out of his arms. 

"I have feelings, Carmen. You do as well but I can see you pushing them down" He said, I turned around and put my scrubs in my bag before shutting my locker 

"I don't need feelings right now." I said walking away from him. 

"Carmen, I know you are hurting but how do you think this effects me?" He said, I stopped and let a tear escape my eye before continuing out of the locker room. 

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