Chapter Five

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We walked through isles and isles of caskets, my mom ran her hand over every single one of them. 

"I want something...comfortable" She said breathing in the air with a smile 

"Comfortable? You will be dead" I said soon regretting it, my mom laughed so hard I thought she was gonna piss herself.

"Mom..I shouldn't of said that" I said 

"Baby, don't be sorry. I love your optimism" She said kissing my cheek 

We walked inside the house and she bent over wincing in pain

"Mom! Where are you hurting?" I asked rubbing her back 

"I'm fine I'm fine" She said standing back up and walking to her chair. 

There was a knock on the door five minutes later and I rushed over and opened it 

"Thank you for coming" I said to Alex after closing the door behind him 

"Not a problem" He said walking over to my moms chair and crouching down in front of her 

"Where does it hurt?" He asked taking her hands into his 

"My left side..I've had shooting pains down my legs...who are you?" She asked...I looked at her and walked to the side of her chair 

"Mom? This is Doctor Higgins. Do you remember?" I asked trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall 

"Mom? I'm not your mom. You two need to leave before I call my husband" She urged looking at us both, I ran into the bathroom and threw up before sobbing, Alex walked in and rubbed my back gently 

"Everything is going to be alright, her memory loss is becoming more extreme than we thought." He said sitting down on the bathroom floor with me bringing me into his arms. 

"Losing her is one thing but being told that she doesn't remember me is something I will not be able to live with" I cried into his chest, he ran his hand through my hair as he rocked me. 

I woke up in my bed with blankets wrapped around me. I got up and walked into the kitchen, my mom was up dancing to some old time music 

"Carmen! Come dance with mommy!" She gushed when she saw me, she opened her arms and I walked into them. Tears fell down my cheeks as she held me dancing slowly 

"Your dad will be so proud of you! You did so good on your test" She said pushing me away to look at my face. She smiled and started dancing around the room. I went back into my room and saw a note sitting on my desk 

"Sorry I was called in to work, I left a list of numbers and names of home assistant RN's. I will bring you guys dinner. If your mom forgets who you are, again. Don't take it to heart, she knows who you are it's just the symptoms of her cancer. See ya in a bit ~A.H"

It had been a few hours and she was just all over the place, she thought I was my old nanny and then she thought I was my aunt...She is only getting worse and there's nothing I can do to help her but there's people trained to do so. I grabbed the list of number and called every single one and left a voicemail. 

There was a knock at the door and my mom practically ran to it 

"Tommy! It's so nice to see you again, I can't believe how tall and buff you've gotten!" My mom said, is my ex seriously here? I walked around the corner and Alex looked confused as so did I 

"Aw yes Mrs, Jackson. Sorry I have been working out a lot" He said, she slapped his arm playfully 

"When have you ever called me by my last name boy, when did your boyfriend get manners Carmen?" She asked smiling at us before walking back into the kitchen 

"So I'm guessing Tommy is your ex?" He assumed

"Sadly, yes." I answered. He handed me a bag that smelt delicious 

"Mmmm this smells excellent, where is it from?"I asked

"My kitchen" He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen placing the bag on the table. Mom was washing dishes that were already washed whilst humming a beautiful melody. 

We set the table and sat down, mom practically devoured the food. 

"Tommy..Why do you beat Carmen?" My mom asked wiping her face, I practically spit out the food. Alex looked like a deer caught in a spot light. 

"Mom! Let's not talk about this" I urged, she looked at me and then back at him 

"You left her on my front porch beaten and crying. You forced her to have sex with you on many occasions...What kind of man does that?" She asked as her eyes pierced Alex's. His face reddened 

"Mom this is not Tommy, this is Alex. Remember? He is your doctor" I pressed. She looked at my confused 

"Oh yeah...Sorry Alex, my mind is all over the place. I'm just gonna go lay down" She said getting up and walking down the hall and into her room. 

I sighed and poured my glass full of wine. Alex stared at me as I chugged the glass empty 

"I..." He itched the back of his head clearly trying to find the right words to say to me 

"Alex, it's fine." I said pouring another glass of wine 

"How long ago was it?" He asked taking the glass away from me 

"Two years ago" I said playing with my food 

"How long did it go on for?" He asked taking my hands into his 

"Three years" I said fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. 

He got up from the table and pulled me up to him, he looked into my eyes before placing his lips on to mine and kissing me slowly. I fell into him and gave in, he picked me up and walked us into my room. 

"You are absolutely stunning" He said placing me on my bed, I ran my hands through his hair as he kissed down my neck. He got up and removed his shirt throwing it across the room then looked at me with hungry eyes

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, I bit my lip and nodded. 

To Be Continued Ladies and Gentlemen ;) 

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