Chapter Three

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After my shift I hurried and changed then drove to the location he sent me, I stared up at the mansion in front of me as I pulled into the driveway. A man in a suit walked over to my side and opened the car door for me 

"Miss Jackson I presume? I am Castor the butler." He said handing his hand out ready for me to take it 

"Yes, it's nice to meet you" I said taking his hand as he helped me out of the car.

"He is awaiting your arrival" He said as he opened the front door. I nodded and walked to the area Castor pointed at. 

"Carmen, please sit" Alexander said pulling my chair out for me, there was an empty plate in front of me with a wine glass 

"Thank you" I said with a small blush rising on my cheeks. He rubbed his hands on his pants nervously as he walked back to his chair. 

"How was your day?" He asked me

"It wasn't as busy surprisingly" I said, someone walked out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and poured some into our glasses then disappeared back into the kitchen. 

"That's good" He said throwing back his wine 

"Yeah.."I stared awkwardly everywhere else besides him 

"Why don't we get to know each other...You said this was your first time and quite frankly it's my first time as well." He said making me look at him 

"Wait... so this is your first time. You seem like you've done this before" I said, he laughed deeply and looked at me for a second before he removed his eyes 

"I am recently divorced, I don't want to get into another relationship and I have all of this money with no one to spend it on so I found the Sugar Daddy website. I hate saying Sugar's weird" He said with a laugh 

"I can understand that, how recent is your divorce if you don't mind me asking" I asked finishing my wine 

"Six months, but we have been separated since we practically got together- Well more like pushed together" He said, Our food was brought in by the chef and our glasses were refilled. 

"What do you mean pushed together?" I asked before taking a bite of the Chicken Alfredo that the chef put in front of us 

"My family likes to keep the profession in the family if you know what I mean" He said looking at me curiously 

"You come from a family of Doctors so they forced you to marry one?" I asked looking back at him the same way. He nodded and took a bite of his food 

"We tried so hard to love one another but there was nothing there. She found someone two years into our marriage, I was happy for her but I couldn't stay in an unhappy marriage so we divorced" He spun his pasta between his fork as he spoke. 

"I can understand that, I fell in love with someone who didn't love me. It's hard to move on it really is" I said finishing my pasta. He chugged the rest of his wine and got up moving over to me and taking my hand 

"Where are we going?" I asked as he dragged me into a bigger spacious room 

"The living room" He said deeply. I stared at the huge room in front of me, the room was dim and the fireplace was bright, the living room walls were all glass revealing the dark starry night.

"It's Beautiful" I stated, he released my hand and went to the glass door and opened it.

"Want to go for a swim?" He asked pushing a button revealing an underground pool 

"Now? I don't even have a bathing suit" I said with a small laugh, he gave me a side smile and started to unbutton his shirt 

"Wait Alex...Are you serious?" I questioned with a blush rising on my cheeks, he threw his shirt on the ground and started to undo his pants, I covered my eyes and a few seconds later I heard a splash 

"Are you coming in or do I have to come get you?" He asked, I turned around and lifted my dress up and over my head then tossed it on the ground. 

"Turn around" I said then turned towards him and undid my bra. I placed my feet in the water and swam towards him 

"Why did you want to swim?" I asked behind him 

"Because I needed a cold shower" He said, my eyebrows furrowed my brows before I knew what he meant 

"I see" He turned around and stared into my eyes

"Close your eyes" He said, I hesitated before closing them I felt his hot breath on my skin before our lips touched, electricity filled my body. I moved my lips in sync with his. I wrapped my legs around his torso

"Alex!" An angry female voice yelled. I pushed him away and covered my breasts 

"Christine" He said with a sigh, I looked at her and then back at him before making my way up the pool steps  

The Sugar Daddy~A  Love StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat