Chapter Eight

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"Everything is boxed up..." I whispered to myself as I flopped down on the couch taking a swig of beer "Now what do I do?" I said to myself after downing the beer. I surfed through channels but couldn't find anything interesting. 

"Ughhhhhh" I groaned throwing the remote across the room, it hit something metal causing a clanking sound. 

The doorbell rung throughout the house making me jump, I sat the beer down and opened the front door 

"Miss Jackson? You are being summoned by Mr. Higgins." A man in a tux says, my mouth twitches a bit 

"You can tell Mr. Higgins I said to shove it." I said before shutting the door. 

Maybe I am being a little too harsh on him, but I only did what I did because I needed money to mom. 

I sighed and sat back down on the couch twirling the empty beer bottle around in my hand. 

Guilt suddenly started to kick in...he helped me through so much and if it wasn't for him I would of been in so much debt. I sighed once again getting up off of the couch walking to my bedroom avoiding my moms room; I still refuse to go inside it. 

I walked up to the big door and knocked on it, the maid answered and gave me a gentle smile 

"Welcome back Miss. Jackson" She said stepping aside for me to walk in. She took my jacket and purse, I walked up the stairs nervously. His study door was shut meaning he was inside of it. I opened the door and looked at him, his eyes were glued to paperwork 

"Cindy I don't need coffee, I promise I am fine" He said still looking over paperwork 

"You sure as hell look like you need it" I said making him look straight up and at me. He pushed the paperwork away and stood up walking towards me 

"I didn't expect you to actually show up" He said a few inches away from me. 

"I knew you weren't gonna stop harassing me" I said moving past him and sitting in his chair. I spun around a few times watching him sit down in front of his desk. 

"I wasn't harassing you...I just didn't want us to stop" He said looking at me. I propped my arms up on his desk and put my head in my hands 

"The only emotions I am feeling are the ones I don't want to project on to you, we had something going but I needed money and that's all this was...Yes I feel the connection but I need time" I said avoiding his eyes.  

"I understand" He said crossing his arms over his chest, his muscles caused shivers to go down my spine. 

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" He asked causing me to come back from my thoughts 

"Yeah, sure. I will go home and get ready" I said getting up from his chair

"I already have an outfit for you..I bought it for you before everything happened" He said getting up as well. I followed him into his room; he walked into his closet and came back out a few seconds later with two boxes. 

"I will be downstairs" He said before walking out and closing the door behind him. 

I walked towards the boxes and opened up the bigger one first. It was a beautiful satin dinner gown, it was backless with a beautiful crossover strap. I set it to the side and opened the smaller one, inside were a pair of red heels with a beautiful Rhinestone ankle strap. I took my clothes off and slipped the dress on, I walked over to the mirror and ran my hands over it. The dress clung to my curves and fit just right. Walking back over to the boxes I sat down and slipped the heels on. I went into the bathroom and let my hair down, I smiled for the first time in a long time, I feel myself again. 

I walked down the stairs and the butler smiled at me 

"It's good to see you Miss, Jackson. Just follow me into the dining room" He said holding his arm out, I took it and walked beside him as we entered the dining room 

He pulled the chair out for me and then exited the room. Alex wasn't in the room I was alone. I heard footsteps behind me, I knew it was him. He ran his hand down my back making me shiver. 

"You look magnificent tonight" He whispered into my ear. 

"Thank you..You have excellent taste in clothing" I said, he smirked and walked to the end of the table and sat down. A man walked in and poured each of us a glass of wine, I took a sip and swished it around my mouth before swallowing letting the sweet but bitter taste comfort me. 

"How has work been?" He asked taking a sip of his wine 

"Busy, they moved me into triage" I answered, he licked his bottom lip causing me to move around in my chair. 

"What about you? How is work?" I asked. 

"Stressful...How is it back at home?" He asked, I spun the glass of wine around before throwing it down my throat

"I finally packed up the house" I said, he was about to say something when the kitchen door opened and two people came out with plates. I looked at the delicious dish in front of me; Steak, asparagus, smothered potatoes and roasted broccoli. 

We sat in silence as we ate. It was..peaceful, I finished mine first so I sat back in my chair sipping on the wine and stared at him. He was a god, his body, his eyes..his smile. The first time we fucked...the last time..I remember him caressing my cheek and kissing me from my lips...down my neck...down my breasts...over my stomach...he was gentle but rough. 

"Carmen" He said my name deeply waking me from my thoughts, he licked his lips. I looked down and realized that I had been running my hand from my mouth, down my neck, my boobs and my stomach


Mmmmm I wonder what's gonna happen next?

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