Floor 4, room 206.

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I died my hair, hehe.

Millie's pov

I walk in with Maddie and immediately see the most known girls in this school. They know everybody and everything about them, but I've managed to stay away. Well, until now.

I try to sneak around Maddie past the kitchen, but they stop me.

"Hey, are you new here?" Summer asked. I sighed in defeat, and turned to face the three girls. Summer, Joy, and Autumn.

"I've been here for a month or two." I said, and they smiled.

"Well nice to meet you!" Autumn said, and I smiled.

"You too," I said, and walked away from all of that.

I walked into the living room to see Finn and Wyatt on the couch, and Wyatt was facing me. He got up and left Finn, so I could take his place. I smiled at him, and walked over to the couch, and Finn saw me.

"Hey Millie," He said, and I lightly smiled.

"Hi." I said lowly, and I looked down. I saw Finns hand rested in his lap, shaking.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do about that?" I asked, and he looked down to his hand.

"Not really." He said, and I nodded.

"Sorry you had to come here." I said, and Finn shrugged.

"It's not your fault." He said, and I nodded. I think we could both feel the tension, like there was something that needed to be said. Finn ignored it, by continuing on with the conversation.

"You look nice," He said, as I felt him eye me.

"Thank you, you too." I said, and looked over to see summer watching us. She has probably seen and heard everything we've said. Fuck this.

"I gotta go, but I'll see you around?" I asked, getting up.

"Uh, yeah." He said, and I nodded and left, to find Maddie.


"Okay everyone, get in here!" Joy said, and mostly everyone was sitting in a circle now. It wasn't a big party, just a tiny one, after people got drunk they got kicked out.

As far as the people that I know are here, it's Finn, Wyatt, Maddie, Summer, Joy, Autumn, and Nathan. Nathan is this guy that's known for having sex with every girl he spends a night with, and he's a major fuck boy. I try to stay away from him. There are a couple other people, but I don't know who they are.

"Okay, now that it's just us, we can start the game." Summer said, and the other two smiled.

"What game?" Maddie said.

"Truth or dare, duh." Joy said.

They take truth or dare very seriously. You have to do the dare, or do the truth. If you don't do either, you don't want to know what will happen.

We were in a circle and I was in the middle of Nathan and Wyatt, and Finn was next to Wyatt.

They set down a bottle, and the person who's asking spins it, and they have to ask the person it landed on. People usually don't get all the way around the circle.

Summer spinner the bottle, and it landed on Wyatt. She smirked.

"Wyatt, truth or dare?" She asked.

"Truth." He said. I nervously looked over to Wyatt, then I glanced at Finn. He was looking at the ground, his hands shaking.

"Do you like Maddie?" She asked. Wyatts eyes widened but went back to normal, and I looked at Maddie. She was waiting for his answer.

"Uh-Yeah, I like her as a friend." He said, and Maddie's glimmer of hope disappeared, and she looked down.

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