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It's been a fat 4 months but here I am. Read what I wrote at the bottom of this chapter if you're interested in what I said. 

Millie's pov

I woke up to hear voices. I looked over to the other bed and saw Wyatt and Maddie talking, on their phones. Finn was still sleeping next to me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Look, one of you finally woke up." Maddie said, and I rolled my eyes at her, and she winked. I saw Wyatt grabbing a pillow.

"Don't you dare throw that at Finn." I said, and he smiled. He lifted his arms up, and he threw the pillow. I tried to stop the pillow from hitting him, and I did. But, I kinda fell on top of him. I gasped and was about to get off, but I felt his arms wrap around me, shifting in his sleep.

"Aweeee," Both Maddie and Wyatt said, and I rolled my eyes at them in annoyance. I'm still kinda pissed at Maddie, but whatever.

"Finn, you gotta let go." I said, a little quietly. He looks so cute when he's sleeping.

I looked over to Wyatt, and nodded, so he can throw a pillow at us again. He smiled and threw the pillow, hitting both Finn and I in the side of the head. He groaned and let go of me, and I quickly rolled over to the other side of the bed, and sat up.

"What the hell is going on?" Finn asked, sitting up.

"Well, you guys were taking forever to get up so we were waiting for you to get up." Wyatt said. I looked at Finn, and his hair was really messy. It was cute.

"Okay why does it matter if we're up?" Finn asked.

"We're going out to that beach that everyone's talking about. It's nice out today, so we can all just have a picnic or something." Maddie explained. We nodded, and Wyatt got up to take a shower, Maddie getting up too.

"Be ready in an hour," She said, leaving and closing the door, leaving Finn and I.

"Um, thanks for staying up last night." I said, standing up, him following my lead.

"No problem, anytime." He said, and I lightly smiled.

"I'll see you in a bit." I said, walking out. I went into our dorm room, and Maddi was sitting in front of the mirror, straightening her hair.

"Who are the hickeys from? Finn?" She asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"They're from Nathan. Sorry about yesterday, I wasn't mad at you, I was just mad at myself, and I took it out on you." I said.

"It's okay, I know. Get ready!! We have a picnic to go to." She said, smiling and winking. I smiled, and went to go get ready.

I put on some leggings and a long sleeve and straightened my hair, and tennis shoes, cause I didn't want my other shoes to get dirty if we were walking in sand.


"Put on good music, this is fucking shit," I heard Wyatt say. Finn was blasting Old Town Road, and Sadie and I were laughing in the back seat.

"This is good, you just don't know what good music taste is," Finn said, and we laughed again. Wyatt pulled up to the beach, and we parked.

We got out of the car and grabbed the blanket and the bag for the picnic with the food. We found a spot on the beach after a while, and we laid the blanket down and all sat down on it.

We all basically just talked most of the time, so much till it started to get dark out. There was still light, but the moon and stars were coming out, the sun setting.

"Maddie, come here. I have to show you something." Wyatt said, grabbing Maddies hand, and taking her somewhere I didn't bother to look.

I laid my back down on the blanket and looked at the stars, and I felt a presence next to me, doing the same thing.

"Wanna go somewhere cool?" Finn asked. I looked at him, but he was already getting up, grabbing my hand to get me up.

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