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( A/N )

DO NOT BE OFFENDED! This is only a FF! I don't want this to ACTUALLY happen. I know he will never leave Bangtan behind so save the hate comments for someone who cares! Its just a book don't be too offended by it seriously


"Jungkook come back!" PD Bang said to the maknae. Jungkook didn't listen. He reached the door of his CEO's office. "If you walk out of that door then don't bother coming back!" He yelled.

Jungkook spun around to a smirking PD Bang. "That's funny, because I quit!" He yelled back. He grabbed the doorknob and slammed the door shut behind him.

He stormed out of his office and went to the practice room with the others. As soon as Jungkook came back the rest of Bangtan stood up in their spots and looked at their maknae with worried expressions.

"What happened Jungkook?" Jimin asked. They all walked closer to Jungkook.

Jungkook just shook his head and grabbed his things from the cubby.

"Why are you taking your stuff?" Namjoon asked. "Where are you going?"

Jungkook continued ignoring them. He finished gathering his things and was headed for the door until Yoongi and Jin stopped him.

"Jungkook where are you going?" Yoongi asked.

"And whats going on?" Jin added.

Jungkook just sighed and came to a realization that he has to tell his other or well his old members what's going on now.

Jungkook took a deep breath. "I quit."

Everyones eyes but Jungkooks became wide. The rest of the members ran over to Jungkook.

"You quit?" Jhope asked. "Why would you do that?"

"I thought you guys were just talking?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook shook his head. Tears threatening to fall out of his eyes, but he held it together for the sake of his pride. "The conversation escalated quickly. I didn't want to talk about it anymore because I was angry and I left. I told him I quit after he said he'd kick me out if I walked out the door." Jungkook explained.

The members looked at him with sad expressions on their faces. They had no idea how the media will take this. They know they have to change their choreography and change their singing parts. They might even have to find a new memeber, but that most likely will never happen.

Looks like BTS will be a 6 member group now.

"So then what are you going to do now Kook?" Jimin asked. He wrapped his arm around Jungkooks shoulder to show support.

"I'll go solo."

"Who's gonna manage you?"

"I'll find someone." He said. He removed Jimins arm from his shoulder and grabbed the doorknob. Before he left he looked back at the members and gave them a small smile. "Take care of yourselfs. I don't know how long it'll be before we see each other again."

Jungkook opened the door and walked out leaving behind his now old members. They all watched him walk out with fear and regret on each of their faces. They wished they never let him walk out of that door. They wished they had convinced him to stay, but maybe this was for the better.


Jungkook walked out of the BigHit building and stood around looking. He was now a free agent. Didn't have a group or manager and he had no idea what he was going to do, but all he knew was he needed to make ends meet.

Little did Jungkook know that his old members were watching him from the practice window.

Jungkook pulled up his mask and started walking down the street. He had all these plans in his head to hurry and find a new apartment by the end of the week. He knows he won't be able to stay at the BTS dorm.

He walked and walked until his feet stopped in front of the dorm. He pulled down his mask and gasped.

"What are you doing? Thats my stuff!" Jungkook yelled. He ran over to the movers and tried to get them to put his stuff down.

"Hey kid! Get out of the way. We're just following orders." The worker yelled. He moved Jungkooks bed down the stairs.

"Who's orders?"


Jungkook turned his head and saw PD Bang walking out of the dorm. "I told them to come and collect your stuff and move it out of the dorm today."

"Why so soon? I literally just quit. Couldn't you have given me a few more days? Or atleast till I could find an apartment?"

"You no longer are apart of this company. This company provides this dorm." PD Bang explained. He turned to the movers. "Move it out there." He pointed to the direction of the sidewalk. "We own this grass."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and watched as the movers moved all of his stuff. He waited until all of his stuff was out.

He layed on his bed that was outside and groaned. "What am I going to do?" He asked himself.

"Need some help?"


( A/N )

This is a really short chapter but I just wanted to give you guys a little bit of taste of what this books going to be about.

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