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( a/n )

im back hunnies !


"Lets get you a debut song." Min Suk said. He got up from his seat and walked towards the door. Jungkook got out of his seat and followed him. "Now we want this song to grab everyones attention."

Jungkook nodded his head. "Attention got it."

"Now I don't know if you like to write your own songs or not b-"

"-I do." Jungkook interrupted. "Sorry, but I like to write my own."

Min Suk nodded his head. "Right." He said. He closed the door to a studio room where a song writer was waiting. "Moving on."

Jungkook walked pass the room and seen someone writing something down. He figured it was his song writer that Min Suk hired but realized he didn't need.

"Anyways down here can be your own personalized studio for when you need to work." Min Suk said. He was trying to think of something else to add on. "Well for when you need to work at work." He smiled at Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled at his new boss. "Thanks." He said before making his way into the studio. He sat down in the swivel chair that was in front of the expensive equipment.

He turned around to look at Min Suk. "This is a nice studio." Jungkook said quietly. He was still a little shy to speak to Min Suk.

Min Suk chuckled. "It's no problem Jungkook. Here at YG we take care of our artists. I'm sure you're not used to having your own studio?" He asked.

Jungkook looked at him offended even though Min Suk didn't mean it in any bad way. He simply meant since he was in a group with six others they probably never got their own studio at the company.

Min Suk looked at Jungkook and immediately apologized. "I'm sorry Jungkook. I didn't mean for that to come out so rude. I just meant maybe you didn't get your own studio at the BigHit building."

Jungkook nodded his head. He understood what Min Suk meant but he didn't say anything really. He just turned around and waited until he heard the door close. Once the door closed he cracked his knuckles and began working on a song.


"I wonder how Kookie is doing." Jimin said. He flopped down onto the couch and propped his feet up since they had just got done practicing for their comeback.

"Me too." Taehyung said. He sat next to Jimin and leaned over him so he could take the water bottle that Yoongi was handing to him. "I wonder if he's liking YG better than BigHit."

Jin hit Taehyung on the shoulder. "Tae don't say that."

"Why not?"

"Because theres no place Jungkook would like better than BigHit. No place he'd like better than us." Namjoon finished for Jin. Then the room fell in complete silence.

"Well." Hoseok said to break the silence. "It doesn't matter if he likes YG better than BigHit. All that matters is that we want him to be successful without us."

"Hopes right." Yoongi said. He sat down on the arm of the chair and set his foot onto the coffee table. "We want him to succeed even if hes solo."

"I know." Taehyung said. "But this is hard for all of us. I-I just want Kookie back."

"We do too." Hoseok said. "But Pd Nim won't take Kookie back and he won't let us talk to him so we don't know what to do."

"We should just stay back and watch him." Jin said.

"Yeah, let's watch him succeed." Namjoon said after Jin.


"I kind of like this part for the end of the song instead." Jungkook said to the song writer that Min Suk hired.

No the song writer didnt write the song, but Jungkook did ask him for some advice on the beat. Advice for like if he should change the beat or if he should put a certain part anywhere else.

"Yeah me too." The song writer said. He clicked onto the computer and kept clicking onto the part Jungkook pointed out was at the end of the song. "There we go." He said before sitting back and hitting play.

Jungkook and the song writer started listening to the whole song over again, bobbing their heads to the music.

"It sounds nice." Jungkook said.

"It really does. Nice touch." The songwriter said. They both high fived each other and the songwriter saved the finished beat.

The songwriter turned around in his chair and faced Jungkook. "So do you need any help with the lyrics?"

Jungkook shook his head. "If i'm going to make it as a soloist I need to learn how to write my own good songs."

The songwriter nodded his head. "Do you know what you want to write about?"

"What do you mean?"

The songwriter lifted his chin up and intertwined his fingers. "Well usually when I work with soloist they usually write their first song that has meanings to them. Whether its their mom or being accepted into their agency."

Jungkook took in the words that the songwriter provided. He was lucky to hear what he had to say because that got his brain flows working.

He took the tip of the pen out of his mouth and began writing things down. He did however skip the title part only because he wanted to get the lyrics down first.

It didn't take Jungkook long to write the whole song, only about six hours but he did complete it.

"Hey." Jungkook said to the now sleeping songwriter.

He woke up out of his sleep and focused his attention onto Jungkook. "Yeah?" He said in a groggy voice.

"I finished my song." Jungkook whispered even though he had no idea why he was whispering.

The songwriter sat up right in the chair and began cracking his neck due to sleeping on it weird for over six hours. "Did you find a title yet?"

Jungkook nodded his head.

"What is it?"



( a/n )

so sorry for being slow at updating this book! ☹️ forgive me with this chap?

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