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( A/N )

Weak • Jimin •
Emotions • Seokjin •
out now!


Jungkook looked up and seen his members all crowded around his bed that was outside. He looked down and raised his hand up so Namjoon could help him up.

Namjoon grabbed his hand and helped his now old member up to his feet. Jungkook wiped some dirt off his clothes and looked at his now old members.

"He kicked you out already?" Jimin asked. He was eyeing all of Jungkook's belongings.

Jungkook nodded his head. "I wanted to atleast stay here for a week before I find a different apartment. I knew he was going to throw me out, just didn't expect it to be this soon.

"Well what should we do with all of your stuff?" Jin asked. Jungkook thought to himself until he had an idea.

"Let's move it to storage until I get the apartment."

"When are you getting it?" Taehyung asked the maknae. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry about it. We can buy it for you tomorrow, but for right now let's move his stuff into storage. He has to sleep here tonight." Namjoon said. He went to grab a box of Jungkooks stuff. "Oh, Yoongi go bring the car around. It's gonna take awhile for all his stuff.

Yoongi nodded his head and went to go bring the car.

"Everybody grab something." Namjoon ordered. The rest of the members grabbed some of Jungkooks stuff and waited on the sidewalk for Yoongi to pull up.

Just as Yoongi pulled up, he put the car in park and popped the trunk. He also opened the back doors. Everyone started putting any and everything they could into the car before it got full.

Once it was full Yoongi closed the trunk, closed the back doors and got into the drivers seat. "Someone needs to come with me." He yelled.

"I'll come." Jungkook said. "After all it is my stuff." Jungkook hopped into the passenger seat and Yoongi took off to the storage unit.

After atleast 30 minutes they both came back and everyone repeated the same thing until all of Jungkooks stuff was in the storage unit.

They came back to the dorm and they all passed out in the living room.

"Thank you guys." Jungkook said in a low voice.

"You don't have to thank us. Thats what friends are for." Jhope said with a smile.

Jungkook smiled back, but he let his guilty conscience get the best of him. "I-I'm sorry guys."

"Sorry for what?" Jin asked. Jin lifted his head up off the couch and turned his attention to the maknae. Everyone turned their attention to him.

"I'm sorry that I quit Bangtan." He almost let a tear slip out from his eye, but he held it together. He always held it together.

"You don't need to apologize to us. Honestly I don't blame you. PD Bang took it way to far." Yoongi said.

"But I dont even know what i'm going to do. How am I going to make a living?" Jungkook said a little louder. He was beginning to panick now. He never fully realized that he didnt have a job anymore. He didn't fully realize that all the money he has saved up won't last him for a whole year. He has to come up with another solution.

"Remember what you said to us in the practice room?" Namjoon asked, trying to re focus his mind. Jungkook shook his head. "You told us you would go solo so why not do that?"

"But wouldn't that be hurtful to you guys and the fans?"

Namjoon shook his head. "I'd rather you go solo then see you struggle. You can sing and you can dance real well. I think you'll make it as a solo artist."

"But ill have to find a different company." Jungkook added and that was the icing to the cake.

"Oh yeah." Jhope said in a sad voice. "I forgot about that."

"Guys listen as long as Jungkook is taken care of it shouldn't matter what other company he goes too." Taehyung said.

"Right." Jin said. He looked at Jungkook. "I'm sure every company is dying to have you there. You are your own person. We know you can make the right decision for yourself."

Jungkook gave them all a weak smile. He loved his hyungs so much and knowing that he has to go to a different company is making him so sad, but he has to make ends meet.

"Let's just watch some tv I guess." Namjoon grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. Surprisngly the news was on at this hour.

"Why's the news on?" Jungkook asked. He sat up straight and looked closer to the tv screen. "Is that PD Bang in the back?"

"What?" Jhope asked. He got closer to the tv. "It is!"

"Shhh." Yoongi said.

"Breaking news Jeon Jungkook, the maknae of BTS has reportedly quit Bangtan." The news person said. He looked at the BigHit building and held his microphone close to PD Bang. "Any words on this sir?"

"No comment." PD Bang said. He was being ushered to his car by a bigger person that was his security guard.

The news person turned back around to face the camera. "Our inside sources say that Jeon Jungkook has officially quit Bangtan. I wonder how the army is going to feel about this." The tv screen went black and the tv channel automatically changed.

"Who did that?" Jimin yelled.

Jungkook threw the remote down and stormed upstairs. He jumped into Jimin's bed and curled up into a ball.

"Now everyone knows im not apart of Bangtan anymore." He mumbled into Jimins pillow.

"I can't wait to start as a soloist."


( A/N )

I can't wait to see where this book goes.

Weak • Jimin •

Emotions • Seokjin •

Out now!

Going to mainly focus on these three books for right now.

Solo • Jungkook •Where stories live. Discover now