Wanted Dead or Alive

680 28 25

Possible Trigger Warning


Dex bolted up at the sound.  Holding still for a few minutes before he heard screams.


Throwing off the covers, he raced to the triplets room, which, thankfully, was just across the hall.  His feet tripped over the ground, but he wouldn't let that stop him.  He needed to make sure his siblings were okay, and he couldn't have his feet in the way.

He slammed the door open to find them all cooped up in the far corner of the room.

"You guys!"  Dex said, closing the door behind him and rushing over to them with relief.  He scooped up the terrified boys and girl in his arms, jumping when there was another loud bang and another scream.

"What's going on?" Rex cried.

Dex swallowed and looked towards the door.  "I-I don't know.  We need to get to my room and grab an obscurer-"

"NO!  I don't wanna leave!"  Lex cried, shaking his head.  "Please, I'm too scared."


"Dex," Bex said.  She seemed to be in the same boat he was.  In shock.  "I have one in my drawer..."  She lifted a shaking finger to point to a dresser.

Dex quietly ran over and began digging through the clothes, sighing when he came across the small orb at the bottom.  He flicked it on and ran over to the triplets, scooping them up again, before placing the object in Bex's shaking hands.

"I want you guys to go outside to that one tree where we used to hide from Lovise, okay?"  He asked.

They shook their heads.

"Guys, you need to get to saf-"  He was cut off by yet another loud noise.

Everyone jumped.

"We need to stick together,"  Rex managed to get out.  "It's not safe if we split up.  Wh-what if something happ-pens to you or us?"

Dex hated the thought of anything happening to the triplets, but he also hated the thought of anything happening to his parents.  "We need to go make sure Mom and Dad are okay, though."

"We'll come with you,"  Bex mumbled, forcing herself onto unstable legs.

The others did the same.

"But it's not safe!"

"So?"  Bex snapped, tears falling out of her eyes.  "It's not safe for us and it's not safe for you, but we're better if we stick together.  Maybe we can tackle the threat or something."  She swallowed.  "Please don't make us leave you."

The oldest Dizznee closed his eyes, considering the options.  "Fine, but you will stay three feet behind me, and if I say run, you will run."

The triplets nodded.

Dex closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, before slowly walking towards the doorway and peering out into the hall.

No one there.

They slowly and gradually made their way down a back pair of stairs that only the family knew about, as to avoid whatever was making the loud noise.

No one was in the living room.

Dex tiptoed forward, followed by the triplets into the next hallway.


They creeped up a new flight of stairs and stayed against the wall as they made their way down.

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