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I can't write very well.  Me brain broken.  Final stuff. *faints*

Also more of this story should make sense when I write the triplets pov lol


Dex finished the wheelbarrow-like cart quicker than he would've liked, but all things had to come to and end.  That is all things except his growling stomach and dull headache.  Seriously, what was with his body lately?  He could understand the growling, but the pain in his head was just weird.  Whatever it was, he hoped it be gone soon.

With a sigh, Dex stood up and grabbed the cart, holding the two handles at each of his sides before he started his walk back to the camp.  He thought about grabbing some firewood to put on the center, where two unused capes made a landing for things to be carried, but he couldn't seem to make his hands work as his feet took the lead along the path he and his siblings had carved out.


He reached the camp soon enough, gently setting the cart to the side and studying everyone's expressions, all of which were slightly turned away from him.  His stomach did a flip.

For a minute, he stood there, not quite knowing what to do.  It's not like he expected to be welcomed back with open arms, but he sill didn't necessarily expect everyone to be so quiet.

Dex cleared his throat.  His voice came out soft.  "Lex, can I talk to you for a minute or two, please?"

Lex met his eyes, but before he could speak Rex cut in.  "He's not going anywhere.  Say what you have to say here."

Seriously, when had Rex decided to take such initiative?  Dex was glad he wasn't being quiet anymore, seeming to have more confidence, though he hated to think that it'd only been brought out because Dex had been a total jerk.  And was still being a total jerk by standing there in silence.

"Oh, um... okay."  Dex said slowly.  He shouldn't have expected anything different, except everything had played out differently in his head.  "Lex, I - actually, all three of you -  Lex, Bex, and Rex.  I'm really sorry for the way I've been the past few days.  I know we're all really tense - mostly because of me - and I understand that you all want to help me and each other."  He swallowed dryly.  "And, um... I understand if you're all still gonna be mad at me... So, uh... um..."  Dex took a few steps back, looking at them for help.

They all stared.

"Um... Sorry.  I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have been like that.  And thanks Bex.  For giving me that cloth last night."

They looked at one another for a moment.  Lex had a funny look on his face.  Actually, so did Bex and Rex.

"Dex, are you okay?"  Rex asked.  He was back to his normal quiet self.  "You're still being a bit weird." As if the words would make Dex explode he quickly added, "I mean, thank you for the apology, but none of us left the camp last night."

Dex's eyebrows furrowed together, but before he could say anything else, Bex spoke up.  "Yeah.  And are you sure you're all right, right now?  No offense, really, but your mood changed pretty quickly from last night.  Did something happen?"

Dex shook his head, feeling guilt well up for some odd reason.  "No.  And none of you brought me a cloth before I passed out?"

"Passed out?"  Lex piped up.

Shrugging it off, Dex looked to his siblings for the answer he already knew was coming.

"No, no we didn't."  Rex shook his head.  "What's wrong?"

"Just a headache.  Is it alright if I go to sleep?"

"Yeah, sure."


Dex went in and out of consciousness, hearing voices all the while.  He deemed that they must've been from the monsters in his nightmares.

"Something's wrong..." "I think he's sick......" ".... We need help." "Should we... someone..." "... risky... can't..." "But... a.... tor."

Dex groaned.  This was going to be a long night.  It felt like there was a sledgehammer hitting cloth inside of his head.  A pain so dull it felt sharp.  Like knifes.  Or needles.  Or somebody drilling into his head as if he were a patient at an asylum in one of those scary human movies his mom watched.

Like his brain was tearing apart.


For what must have been the seventy-fourth time, Dex's eyes fluttered open.  The pain in his head was still dull.  His eyes still felt like they had weights on him.  He was still guilty.  Nothing new.

Despite himself, Dex stayed in the sleeping bag for twenty or so more minutes.  When did he get in his sleeping bag?  Probably the triplets.

He rolled onto his back and ran a hand down his face.  He had to make today a good day.  He couldn't screw everything up like he had been.  He had to make sure the triplets were happy.  It was going to be a good day.


"Morning, bro!" Bex sounded cheerful and she looked more colorful than ever - not just her clothes.  Her skin too.

Everything did.

"Morning," Dex said, ignoring how the trees swirled, and giving a big dimpled grin.  "What do you guys want to do today?"

Lex and Rex looked at each other quizzically.

"Oh!"  Bex snapped.  "We could go down to the lake and I can practice my powers!"

"Bex," Rex hissed.

"That sounds good, but what about Lex and Rex?"  Dex's eyes shifted to the two boys.

Lex shrugged.  "I think we're good with whatever."

"I finished your toy, by the way." Rex spoke up.  In his hands he held a black stuffed tomple.

Dex's smile turned real as he took it from the boy's hands.  "Aw, Rex.  This is adorable.  Thank you."

Rex grinned. "'Course."

"Where's mine?"  Lex asked, a smirk finding it's way onto his face.

Rex rolled his eyes.  "In jail."

Dex laughed.  Maybe this would be a good day after all.

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