Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandpa Dex

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Dex wiped his face as he sat up, moving the sleeping bag off him.  He rubbed his eyes a few times to get them used to the light before he reopened them and looked around.

The sun was poking in through the tarp he'd set at the door, and there was already the sound of a fire going.  None of the triplets were in the fort, but there was a smiley face left on a purple note on Rex's bed.  They'd made that the code for 'everyone's woken up except you' when Dex nearly had a panic attack the third day they'd been on the run, only to find nobody in the - at the time - tent made out of tarps.

He was a bit surprised to see that Rex had been the first one to wake up, but he guessed it wasn't too out of the normal since all of their inter clocks had gone haywire thanks to the event that happened three months ago.

Three months ago.

Dex pushed the thoughts of ghosts clouding his mind away.  He couldn't let himself sink into any guilt.  He had triplets to take care of.  Even though they were currently taking care of themselves...

The sixteen-year old boy rushed over to the side of the fort where they'd made a space that allowed everyone to get changed in private.  It was mostly made so Bex wouldn't be seen or so that she wouldn't have to see her brothers.

Once Dex had put on the simple tunic, pants, and boots - they'd abandoned capes, only keeping them for desperately cold days - before exiting the makeshift building all together.

Outside he found his siblings.  Bex was busily turning some of the brattails over on a stick over the fire, Rex was stitching up Lex's pillow which had broke about a week earlier, and Lex was... dancing to some sort of song on the human radio (translated into the enlightened language) Dex had taken from his room, which was now a crime scene.

"BUT WHEN YOU SMILE AT THE GROUND IT AIN'T HARD TO TELL!"  Lex sang, wiggling his hips and pointing at Dex as he slowly walked over to him.  "YOU DON'T KNOW OH-OH! YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!"

"Lex!"  Dex laughed as his younger brother grabbed his hands and forced him to dance with him.  "Turn that down!  Someone might hear it!"

"Yeah, like a squirrel,"  Rex said, looking up with a smile as he finished the stitching, holding up the pillow proudly.  "All done!"

"Yay!"  Lex chirped, hopping over him.

"They've been like this all morning,"  Bex laughed, pulling the food off the stick to offer Dex a piece.

He gratefully took one.

"I don't know how you haven't woken up."

Dex shrugged.  "How long have I been out?"

Bex looked up at the shining sun, "When did you go to sleep?"

"About one or two."

"Well it's almost 10:00 now, so maybe eight hours."

"You guys should have woken me up."

"And what, let you become zombie Dex again?  We learned our lesson the first time."  Lex said, turning around with a smirk.  "You almost walked into the fire."

"Yeah, yeah.  Okay, okay."  Dex mumbled as he sat down and yawned.

"Dex, are you sure you went to bed at two?"  Rex's gentle voice spoke up.

Dex looked down, knowing he was caught.  "I don't know.  It might have been three.  I'm not sure, you guys."

Bex sighed.  "We know it's... not a fun time but-"

"Bex," Dex sighed, turning pleading eyes to her.

"But you need to take care of yourself.  We don't care how guilty you feel, all we want is your well being."

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