author's note

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hello readers, just wanted to say hi. so far i've been really enjoying writing this fanfiction so far. if you haven't checked out the side bar to my chapters, remember i always but gifs, pictures, and videos. honestly at the moment i'm completely obsessed with fifth harmony and BO$$. i think they're so sexy to be honest. OH and i know soon in my story there will be questioning of what i ship! i just want to say that i don't 100% ship zerrie, but i didn't choose perrie to be the ex because i hate her. just putting that out there. but how about this, since we're talking about shipping, go ahead comment your otp and why. i'll be glad to read your comments. love you guys, i hope you're enjoying the story as much as i am, remember stay beautiful.

"life is too short to drink crappy coffee and cry over boys that don't care"

have a great week


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