morning, love

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Zayn's POV;

My eyes flashed open and I gasped for air. I sat up slowly, wiping my forehead and neck, both damp with sweat. I checked the perimeter of the room, but my dream was already fading. I kicked the covers off and stopped. I shook off the heat and stumbled to the shower, hoping I was just overheated.

As I towel dried my hair, the heat once again caught my attention. I checked the thermostat. Not that, same as usual.

I wrapped the white towel around my waist walking towards my room. I grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on. The heat constantly hit me, back and forth. I decided not to put any other clothes on. I rubbed my eyes as I walked in my living room.

Slouching down onto the couch, I grab the remote to my television. Flipping through the channels, nothing catches my attention. I glanced over to check the time, 5:32 am.

I hated this feeling. When you're half asleep, half awake, but you can't find yourself to rest again. I'm drenched in heat, that didn't seem to exist. I walk over to my windows and open them one by one. The cool breeze travels into my room making me feel refreshed.

I stretch my arms out, hearing my joints crack. The thin morning air was hanging with dew. My skin became moist once again, but this time it wasn't soggy, it was more of a exhilarating feeling.

Looking towards the ground, I think about where to go, what to do. I then stare at the curb where Noelle and I sat together, less than a day ago. I smile at myself as I imagine her rosy cheeks.

Wait. What the hell? Why am I thinking about her..

I snap out of my thoughts and concentrate on the road. Cars rapidly travel down the highway. Staring at the colors that flashed by. I walk my way beside the highway into the city.

Noelle's POV;

11:02 am.

I feel weight lifted off my chest, and I realize Luke removed himself from on top of me. I open my eyes slowly trying to wake myself. I rub my eyes clearing my view. The sun was gradually rising outside. Luke then walks over to bathroom right after speaking.

"We are going out for a run, and then we'll get donuts." he says nodding and walking out.

I quickly get dressed in appropriate running attire and meet Luke at the door. Running was a usual thing for us, our way to just get away with not really getting away. I smiled towards Luke and we start our run. I took off catching a head start and running in front of Luke.

The warmth that seeps into my muscles, the mild burning of lactic acid, the rush of the second wind, the feeling they get when they fall into pace and the run feels like it becomes automatic and they're flying on autopilot, the air rushing in and out of my lungs in a mild burn and having to force myself to breath in a rhythm as well.

I look around to my surroundings. The paved sidewalk is my guide into the town. I look back towards Luke who is tagging along right behind me. I laugh as I begin to slow down. Taking deep breaths in and out I come to a stop.

The sidewalk ahead blurred below me as I felt a surge of adrenaline. The steady thump of my footsteps echoed in my ears and I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead. Luke then stops also. We had ran for at least 3 miles, but we were also exhausted.

Luke walked in front of me. His arms swayed by his side as sweat dripped down his face. I wiped my face to realize how much I had sweat. I laugh to myself before wiping my sweat on Luke's back.

We turn a corner to finally meet with our destination, the town. We continue on our path towards the bakery. The silence that had followed us was no longer around. Commotion, voices, laughing. It was early in the morning but the town was alive.

lovely; z.m fanficWhere stories live. Discover now