bad thing ; good thing

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Noelle's POV;

As I reach the doorstep of my house, I take a deep breath. I walk in to a cold house. Chills spread around my body as the impact of temperature drop. I quickly run upstairs and grab the first sweatshirt I could find. A red hoodie easily molded onto my body. I smile as I realize it was Zayn's.

The faint smell of cigarettes and cologne was still on it.

I then slip off my running shorts, and throw on a pair of jeans. My feet were tired for I decide to take off my shoes. I redo my ponytail gradually picking up all of my hair before tying it up. I look into the mirror and smile at myself. At this moment, I actually felt beautiful.

I sat down on my worn out carpet before grabbing my phone. I plug in my earbuds and place them in my ears. I then slowly lay down putting my phone on my side, and crossing my arms on my chest.

I laid as if I was a mummy. I smile at myself as music pours into my ears.

I sing to one of my favorite songs. Letting my heart decide where it wanted to go.

I had a dream I was mugged outside your house

I had a dream in a panic you came running out

For a moment you were sure I'd die on you

For a moment I believed you loved me too

But life is never like this, and you're never strong

Too much of a good thing won't be good for long

Although you made my heart sing, to stay with you would be wrong

Too much of a good thing won't be good anymore

Watch where I tread before I fall

We'd talk maybe 20 times a day

And still I never say what I want to say

I thought I wouldn't need to

I guess I read you wrong

Too much of a good thing won't be good for long

Although you made my heart sing, to stay with you would be wrong

Too much of a good thing won't be good anymore

Watch where I tread before I fall

You refuse to see this, don't see it anymore

I have made a decision not to answer your calls

Cause I put everything out there and I got nothing at all

Too much of a good thing isn't good and you know

I watch where I walk before I fall

Before I fall

Before I fall. I watch where I walk, before I fall.

I repeat the last lines over in my head about a hundred times. I then hear my heartbeat as the song ends. I lay on the floor, quiet. I think maybe, Zayn could be something. He could be someone. He could be that one. I close my eyes and shuffle through Sam Smith's album.

I smile to myself as I think maybe, just maybe, I've found someone.

After listening to Sam Smith's complete album, I got up, remembering that I had to pick up Luke. I quickly scrambled through my closet to find my red vans. I slip them on slowly before walking out. I hear my father arguing on the phone with someone but I ignore his presence.

I walk out of the house feeling a cool breeze hit me on the way out. I then walk over to my car that was parked on the curve. I make my way over to Luke's girlfriend's house. I hum along to the song playing on the radio as I gradually arrive at a stop.

My fingers dial Luke's cell phone number, and I place it on my ear. It rings a couple of times before he picks up.


"I'm here."

"Come inside, I have to get my shoes," he slowly slurs.

I quickly step out of the car. My feet moved quickly under me. I knock on the door and there was no response. Tension rises in me, along with confusion. I then attempt to open the door. The door was unlocked so I enter the house.

Quickly a strong hit of illegal weed filled my nose. I closed my eyes as they became watery.

"Luke?" I call out as I step over boxes of pizza.

The stench made me gag as I walked further into the house. It was sickening. The decaying scent choked the air. I took a ragged breath through my mouth, trying to spot the source of the smell.

I walk into the living room finally finding Luke. He was laying on the couch with a pantless girl. My skin quickly tenses up as anger flows through me. I grab Luke by the ear pulling him off the couch.

"What? What the fuck?" Luke mumbles getting up.

"Go to the car." I say sternly.

Luke waves to the girl before exiting the room.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I say trying not to slap this mystery girl in the face.

"My name's Emily," she says winking.

I march out not saying another word. I slam the door behind me, as I try to gather all my thoughts.

I brush my hair back trying to calm down.

Sitting in my car I look towards Luke. He continues in his own world laughing and talking to himself. My mind races and frustration runs through my veins. I grab Lukes face and turn it towards me. I squeeze his cheeks and he slobbers my hand. He laughs at himself and spins his eyes around.

"Are you stoned?" I say looking him in the eyes.

He laughs and ignores my questions.

I groan and drive off of the curb.

"What the hell am I suppose to do with you?" I talk to Luke as he continues to giggle with himself.

"Dad is going to beat your ass."

"God damn it Luke."

I drive down the street to find myself in front of the local market. My mind wanders off thinking of where to go. I tap on the steering wheel as I brainstorm. If I arrive with Luke baked as a cake I might as well just live on the street. My father would completely freak. My heart beats a little faster than normal. Interruption bumps into my thinking as my phone rings.


Shit. I nervously answer biting my nails.

"Hey Zayn," I stutter.

"Come over," his raspy voice says through the phone.

"My brother is stoned." I blurt out.

Hearing Zayn's laugh I relax for a minute knowing it was okay with him.

"Bring him too," Zayn says continuing to laugh.

I hang up the phone, feeling relief. I drive off trying to remember the path to Zayn's apartment complex.

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