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Noelle's POV;

"Well, I better get going," Zayn says getting up.

He sticks his hands into his pockets before taking in a deep breath. His tall figure stands in front of me smirking a bit.

"Yeah. same here," I say laughing at myself.

I then stand up myself and stand in front of the gorgeous Zayn.

He extends his arms around me. A soft and short hug fills me with happiness. He releases my waist and smiles. He looked at me as if he was trying to discover the mystery behind me. I grabbed my doughnuts and coffee along with the lemonade.

"I'll call you," Zayn says confidently.

"Okay," I say looked towards my shoes.

I feel a strand of hair fall onto my face. Before I could make room in my hands to fix it back, Zayn gently placed it behind my ear. I look up towards his eyes and they glisten as I smile. He plants his delicate lips on my cheeks causing them to light up, bright red.

Zayn licks his lips looking to the ground. He smiles which brightens his eyes. I bit the inside of my cheek before dismissing myself.

"See you around, Zayn," I say nodding my head as I walk out of the bakery.

Zayn's POV;

I examine Noelle's figure as her words slip out, and she walks away from me. For a moment I felt full. I felt complete. Yet now I feel guilt creating a coat over me. I take a deep breath before walking out. This weird sensation takes over.

Her beautiful smile replays in my mind, I smirk to myself. Noelle. That's all I knew, her name. Even though I felt a grand connection, I couldn't just barge into her life. Plus, I have a life of my own. Am I ready for something new, someone new?

Doubting myself drags me back home. Walking the streets of a peaceful town into the side of a highway. I finally reach my door, and think, what the hell am I doing? I don't know what I was doing. But the emptiness feeling fills me again.

Walking into a room of memories bothers me. I go into my room going directly to lay down. I close my eyes trying to gain the sleep I had lost this morning. Thoughts invade me as I open my eyes again. Perfectly even skin, brown hair, deep cinnamon eyes, bright smile.

Falling in love is a mysterious thing. Not sure if that's the way I'm feeling right now but I'm thinking, maybe I finally found love.

I toss and turn for an hours before I drag myself out of my room. I slouch down on my couch reaching for my phone. Once I unlock it I stare blankly at my home screen. I scratch my nose with my thumb. Boredom sneaks into me. I look around, nobody.

I then look back onto my homescreen. Perrie. I feel shame as I slowly choose another background. I quickly lock my screen, drying the tears in my eyes. Is it even worth falling in love? Having it so perfect, to have it destroyed?

I brush my hair back and close my eyes. Finally feeling a sense of relief, I smile to myself before drifting off in my sleep.

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