Aim to Engage II

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Fright is participating in Aim to Engage II, alongside a smorgasbord of other Ambassador-managed profiles!

Throughout November, each participating profile puts forth a prompt for which you should write a 500-word piece of flash fiction. The winning entries, as judged by a team of Ambassadors working the relevant profile, will feature in the Aim to Engage II Anthology, hosted on the WattThology profile!

Aim to Engage II closes December 9th, at which point no further submissions will be accepted. So click here and join in the fun!

Fright's prompt is the following.

Your favorite childhood cartoon character has just come to life. However, you quickly realize the friendly character you had once loved on TV isn't so welcoming in reality...

Tell us your horrific misadventure in 500 words

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Tell us your horrific misadventure in 500 words. Post to your profile and submit the direct link to your story via this form. You're free to post your story in the comments' section below, too, but only entries submitted via the form will be considered eligible for judging.

Good luck!

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