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Bob And Wade watched their friend leave the tavern. "I'm gonna go after him. Wanna come?" Bob asked as he stood up. "Can't, I've got three more hours here." Wade replies. Bob nodded before joining Mark outside. Mark has his head down as the two walked, his thoughts racing. "Mark, you okay?" Bob put a reassuring hand on his friends shoulder. "I'm fine Bob." He sighed before continuing. "You don't think it's true right?" Bob rose an eyebrow. "The Legend. You don't think it's true?" Bob let out a breath before answering.

"I don't know Mark. Part of me thinks it's true, part of me thinks it's a bunch of malarkey." Mark slightly chuckled at his friends choose of words. The two continued to walk, enjoying the fresh air that still held the smell of rain. The two walking, unaware that they were being watched, until a crunch was made. 

Mark stopped and turned to where the noise had come from. "Mark, were way out in the forest." Mark looked around. "We must've not been paying attention." Bob nodded before looking to where Mark was. "Something wrong?" Mark shook his head, and the two began walking back when another noise sounded. A twig breaking. Mark quickly whipped around pulling out the smaller sword he always kept in his boot. A soft purple hue cane onto Bobs hands, since he heard the noise too. Mark kept his eyes glued to the trees before them.

The sound of running footsteps cane towards them, as an ugly creature jumped out at them. Mark yelped and brought his sword up. It collided with the beast torso sending a streak of crimson blood through the air. A growling noise started to fill the forest as multiple goblins made their way towards Bob and Mark. Bob cast a simple spell using the wind to knock back a few of them, while Mark slashed through the ones that jumped towards him. "There's too many Mark! We're outnumbered!" Bob exclaimed. Mark looked around worried before he heard a small whimper. He turned and saw one of the goblins had fallen to its side. An arrow sticking out of its head.

"Huh?" The whistling sound of arrows filled their ears as they rained down onto the goblins. Suddenly a person jumped down from the trees, a brown cloak covered their body, in their hand was a sharp dagger. With a yell the goblins lunged at them. Mark watched astonished as the person jumped up avoiding all the goblins and landed on ones head, using it as a springboard to launch themselves at another one. They plunged the dagger into its jugular before ripping it out and continuing to take down the goblins.

Mark snapped out of his daze when a hand grasped his arm. "Mark let's go!" Bob and Mark quickly rushed out of the woods. Mark took a quick look back and saw the cloak person looking right at him, before they jumped into the trees and vanished. The two continued to run until they reached the fields of Marks house. Mark tripped on a rock and went tumbling into the mud. He clenched his teeth and held his scraped knee. 

"You okay bud?"

With wide eyes he looked up. Tom stood in front of him and held out a hand. Mark only stared. "See it's just a scratch." He felt tears come to his eyes at his mothers voice. She gave him a  soft smile and messed with his fluffed hair. "MARK!" He shook his head to see that his mother and brother were gone, Bob had pulled him to his feet and they ran into the house. They both painted heavily as the door slammed shut. "Ah Mark, there you are." Mark looked up confused. The voice wasn't foreign, it's sounded like the person had a broken jaw. "Wil?" A tall man with a pink mustache cane in with a grin. 

"Haven't send you in a while eh?" Mark frowned. "I told you not to dye it pink." He said gesturing to Wilfords mustache. Wil laughed and twisted the peice of hair. "But I like it. Walter says it should have been green though." Mark face lit up as another man, slightly taller and with a brown mustache walked in. "Good ta see ya Markie!" Walter and Wilford Fischbach. They were Marks uncles, though the three were like brothers. 

"Mark we need t- Bob!" Marks Father came in shocked to see Bob and Mark in such a horrible condition. Out of breath and covered in leaves and dirt. "Oh uh, I can go..." Bob awkwardly said and began to leave. "No! We need to here as well." Walter quickly said before Bob could leave. "Here come sit." Wilford gestured to the dinner table. Which was covered in scrolls and maps. "Dad, What is this?" Mark asked sitting down. "It's a map of course." His dad chuckled, Mark was unamused. 

"As you may know there is a Legend, The Legend of Youtubria." Mark groaned and leaned back. "If we're going to talk about that the New i might as well pack up and leave Sapphires Bay." 

"Actually, you might have to." Walter added. Mark sat up and gave him a confused look. "What?" Wilford shushed Mark before turning to his brother. Marks father sighed. "A long time ago, there was a Legend, of Tempus. Six warriors were chosen to go out and defeat the Queen of Despair. Your mother and I were two of the three humans to go." Marks eyes widened. Bob shifted in his seat very uncomfortable. "The Prince, prince Arvid, he was the third one. There were three elves. William, Danny, and Krism. We thought, we thought that we could beat the queen. Until she killed Krism. We managed to defeat her, but not without the loss of your mom."

Mark looked down as a few tears fell down his face. I feel like I shouldn't be here,  Bob freaked out in his mind. "So since we didn't defeat her as the Legend said, it was not complete. An I believe that Youtubria, is meant to finish it." Marks father paused. "What does this have to do with us?" Mark asked. His voice full of anger, and sadness. Walter sighed before speaking. "He thinks you two are two of the humans of the Legend." Both Bob and Mark looked at Walter with wide eyes. "No way, but I'm just a simple-"

"Mage." Wilford finished. "Three humans, a fighter, a mage, and a merchant. Will join three elves, an assassin, a spy, and a medic. To correct the past, and finish the Legend of Tempus." Bob started to sweat. "But, but how are we?" He stopped when Mark stood up. "Elves aren't real." He looked up shocked to see Wilford Walter and his dad glarin at him. "I ought to slap you." Mark quickly sat down again. Walter set two scrolls onto the table in front of Mark and Bob. "One is the Legend, you need to show it to the three elves. And one is a map to Elvendale."

Wilford then reached into his pocket and pulled out three amulets. He set them on the table and Mark reached for one, it was paper. "These aren't real..." He turned to glare at Wilford. "No these are fakes, the real ones are out there and belong to the three elves you need to find." Bob studied the amulets. One was green, one was purple, and one was orange. "Okay." Mark stared as Bob took the scrolls and put them into the pouch he was carrying. "Now what about this merchant?" On cue, there was a knock at the door. Mark walked over and opened it and gasped when a bag was tossed in. "Hey, let me out." A very scared Wade then crawled his way out of the bag.

"Where am I? What is happening? Mark? Bob? Who are you!" Mark looked where Wade pointed and saw three people. Each bearing the royal crest. "Hi I'm Jennifer!" The girl with the grey hair blue eyes pointed at herself. "That's Stephano." A man in all gold gave them a peace sign. "Sup." 

"And that's-" "HI IM MR CHAIR!" A slightly younger looking male jumped up with a green hat in that matched his green eyes. "Bob, you're in the Calvary. Who are they?" Mark asked slightly scared. "Prince Felix's royal servants. Jennifer is basically the right hand man. Stephano is the royal advisor, and Chair...I don't know what he does." Wade looked around still confused and scared. "Jen, when i told you to catch him for me. I'd didn't mean kidnap him!" Wilford yelled. Jennifer stayed with a big smile. "Oopsies! My mistake." 

"Can someone please explain what is happening?!" Wade asked finally getting off the floor. "A long time ago-" Marks father began, But Walter groaned. "You three are the humans that are supposed to take place in the Legend of Youtubria. You're going to be sent to find the other three elves and then you're on your own from there to defeat the Queen of Despair!" Mark looked at his dad. "Why could he just explain it, that was much easier." His father rolled his eyes.

"Wait what! Me, but I don't even know how to fight!" Wade exclaimed. "Yes you do." Mr Chair spoke. Wade was about to question him when chair lunged at him with an axe. Wade quickly dodged the axe and flipped Chair onto his back. The axe now in his hand and positioned above Chairs throat. "See, you do." He rolled away from the axe and stood up. "Wade, where did you learn that?" Mark asked. Wade just nervously laughed and shrugged. "Well, you guys better rest up. You've got a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

"But it's sunmy outside." Bob said as Jennifer opened the door. It was late night and the moon was high in the sky. "What?" Bobs shoulder slumped as he felt obwhelming tiredness come over him. "Toodles!" Jennifer said. Chair waved as the three left. "I'll go set up beds for Wade and Bob." Walter excused himself. Mark sighed and went up to his room. He removed his glasses and put them on his desk. "This is all happening so fast." He muttered.

He sighed before he let his eyes close.

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