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"What do you mean we're lost!" Mark exclaimed. Wade rubbed his temples staring at the map. "I don't know where we went wrong. "We've followed the directions exactly as it's written. Nowhere did it say we'd approach these trees!" In front of the three humans were three large trees. There were more that stretched it almost as if surrounding something. To anyone else, this would be suspicious. But these three dumb butts were too busy fighting. "Okay, let's look over it step by step again." The three boys looked over the map. "I don't get it, we did everything right!" Mark groaned. Bob gently took the map away from the angry boy, afraid he would rip it.

A whistle rang through the air before the map was torn from Bobs hands. Wade yelped and Mark And Bob stared at the map. Now on the ground with an arrow through it. "The hell?" Another whistle sounded and an arrow grazed Marks cheek. "Someone's attacking us!" He jumped off his horse and unsheathed his sword. Wade got down as well bringing out his axe, while Bob stayed on the horse his magic showing slightly. "Be on gu-" Mark was cut off when he was pushed to the ground. "Mark!" Wade yelled turning just in time to see someone jump into the trees. Mark jumped back onto his feet and turned around. "Like I was saying, be on guard!" The three looked around tensely. "Mark looked out!" Mark turned slightly to see a knife flying at him.

He ducked and watched as the knife came back around at him again. "Boomerang?" He shouted before ducking again. As he turned he received a swift kick to the face. He swung his sword aimlessly hitting nothing. He shook his head regaining his sight and caught Wade swung his axe. Mark froze, the person Wade swung at was the same one who had saved them from the goblins. They turned at Mark and brought out their dagger. Uh oh. Mark thought just before the person ran at him. Marks sword collided with their dagger and for a brief second the stayed like that. The person looked up and suddenly jumped away from Mark.

He had no time to turn before he was kicked in the back of the head. He rolled over and caught the cloaked person with their dagger ready to kill him. Luckily, Bob launches a blast of magic at them sending them flying. "Thanks Bob." Bob nodded before his horse shrieked. He looked down and saw an arrow sticking out of its side. Bob jumped off the horse before it collapsed. "Now what did the horse ever do?" Wade joked. It was short lived since he had to use his axe again to block and attack. "Bob!" Bob turned to see someone go to punch him. He brought his hands up and sent them flying, causing their hood to come off. All three humans gasped. They were a girl. Half of her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail, and her bangs were dyed purple and brushed to the side. But what caught their attention was the purple amulet that kept her ponytail in, along with her pointed ears.

"She's an elf. There's an elf in front of me." Wade muttered. Her face turned to a glare as she lunged at him. "There's an elf trying to kill me!" He snapped out of his trance and jumped back to avoid her attack. We need to talk to her. Let her know we're not her enemy. Mark got off the ground and grabbed his sword. Where's the other one? He looked through the forest glancing at Wade and Bob every few seconds. Mark waited until he saw the knife fly at him. He dodged it and ran at where it came from. He heard a shriek as he collided with someone. He then pinned this person to the ground and got a good look at them. Their blue eyes were wide and stared back at Mark. His brown hair was short and messy falling slightly to the side. He wore green attire, and a green amulet was clipped to it above his chest.

"I'm not trying to fight you." Mark spoke. The boy didn't seem to believe him. His pointed ears twitched slightly. "If you let us explain..." Mark trialed off not really knowing how to continue. The boy seemed to contemplate what mark said. "Jack!" Mark turned and saw the girl swing a dagger at him. In the blink of an eye, the boy, or Jack, was off the ground and had stopped her attack. She gave him a quizzical look but set her dagger back into its sheath. Jack walked over to  the almost torn map and picked it up. "The Legend of-" he stopped and stared at the three boys before him. "Your looking for the three elves with their amulets. You're looking for Elvendale." Jack gazed at Mark. "Do you even know why you're doing?" The elf asked. 

Mark looked at his friends. "Look, this is new for us. Cut us some slack, we're trying." Bob said. "We don't even know to start. We wanted to get the three elves first! See if they knew what to do. This was just sprung on us that we were meant to-" 

"Correct the past?"

Wade was cut off by the girl. He nodded slowly. "Sorry for my outburst. We're just as confused as you three." Mark was taken aback by the boys sudden change of tone. Jack turned towards the trees and held up his hand. The branches spread apart slowly. "You coming or not?" Jack asked stepping through. The girl followed behind him. With no hesitation, Wade skipped into the trees with Bob slowly following. Mark cautiously stepped through, bright light blinding his eyes. He gasped at the sight before him. "Humans, welcome to Elv-"

"Minx don't talk like that. It makes it sound more epic than it is." Jack interrupted. Minx rolled her eyes. "Welcome to Elvendale." She finished, less proper this time. Bob, Mark, and Wade looked around with wide eyes. It was beautiful. Victorian buildings stood with a color theme of a light purple and white. From where they stood they could see a large fountain with little elf kids playing in it. "Hello Hunans." 

In front of them, stood the forest fairy.

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