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"Jack, it's gonna be okay."

Yami flinched when Jack whipped his head around and flared it him. "No it's not! I didn't know my cloak wasn't water proof! Now look at it!" The spy held up the green piece of fabric that was slowly tearing itself apart. Jack screeched before he started tearing at it himself. "Okay well, I'm gonna leave you  alone for minute, and go make sure the map is dry." Yami laughed nervously before slowly backing away from the seething Irishman. "Jack it's not that bad. You've still go clothes underneath at least." Mark commented.

Jack pauses from his tearing. That was true, he had on a green shirt that was sleeveless, the neck coming up to attach to what seemed like a black collar with a metal plate on the front of it, and from his elbow down to his wrist were green sleeves. That's all his cloak really covered so he was in fact fine. However, he liked that cloak.

Mark yelped when Jack ignored him and went back to tearing at the poor clothing. "Good news! The map is dry, a little wrinkled and fragile, but dry." Yami announced. "Nice, so we can get back on track!" Minx cheered. Yami winced. "Well..." Mark narrowed his eyes as him. "What do you mean well?" Yami sighed holding the map up. "Well, we just fell of this cliff, so we're not in the same level ground as where we need to be going." Bob sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "Where exactly do we need to be going?" The healer hummed looking at the map before sighing. "I'm not sure. We're no where near Anduril, and the trench of fire is even further past that. Perhaps we could head to this water temple north of here. There's not guarantee that the water key will be there be we have to try at least." 

Minx sighed crossing her arms. "Well if that's our only option then I guess we better hop to it." The elf said before she began walking. "This would be much quicker if we had horses." Wade mumbled. "Yeah but somebody shot them!" Mark shouted, still pretty bitter about that." Minx looked back and flashed him a quick smile before turning around. "Jack, we gotta go." Yami patted the sad spy's back before pulling him along with them. "We'll get you another one at some point." He added before Jack finally started walking on his own. Mark sighed looking around at all the trees just needing something to do.

No one really had anything to say, they were all just following Minx...wait a minute.

"Minx do you know where we're going?" Bob asked. The purple haired elf stopped in her tracks and turned around. "No actually, Yami how about you lead the way." Her elven brother huffed st her before switching spot with her. "Hey, how did you guys meet?" Mark asked. Minx hummed. "Us? Umm, we've been friends for as long as I can remember actually. I guess we met when we were tiny elves, became friends and we've stuck with each there since." Mark nodded looking ahead of him again. "What about you guys?" Yami asked. "Same here really. I've been friends with Mark for a long time, and then we met Bob and we all started hanging out." Wade explained.

"Huh, cool." Minx added. "So do you guys like, get trained for you're specific rolls?" Bob asked. "Some of us do. I was trained to be an archer since I was little hence why I still carry a bow and arrow with me. But I'm not a trained assassin." Minx stated. "My parents were both healers so I grew up learning about different potions and stuff. Jack just started learning stuff on his own, right Jack?" The Irishman hummed before nodding. "I thought swords and stuff looked cool so I saved enough silver to buy one and then thought myself how to use it." Marks eyes widened. "Hey so did I!" He shouted startling the young elf. "Oh sorry." He laughed then apologized. Minx chuckled before she gasped. 

"Jack, you could probably train Mark!" Both the warrior and the spy looked to Minx with bewildered expressions. "What! Why would I need training from Jack?" Mark yelled catching the glare Jack sent him. "Well Jack is a much more skilled swordsman than you, and it would probably help to get some training if we're going up against someone so...powerful." Minx trailed off looking at the ground. "What if I don't want to train him!" Jack protested. Minx growled turning to look at the other elf. "Oh come on Jack! Who's better to do it! Honestly, we could all use some training. Bob and Yami could probably help each other with spells and I don't know what me and Wade would do but we do something!" Yami sent the humans an apologetic look before clearing his throat. "I don't think it's a bad idea. We all have stuff we could improve on."

"Yeah! What he said." Minx huffed pointing at Yami. Jack blew air harshly threw his nose and crossed his arms. "What the heck do I get out of this?" Mark scoffed, "what do you NEED out of this?" Jack turned his head away from the man refusing to answer him. "Agh! You're so difficult!" Mark growled before crossing his own arms. Bob and Wade looked at each other and sighed. 

Minx screeched balling her hands up before throwing them in the air. "I give up! I don't care anymore! Just drop it." And like that, conversation ceased. The six walked through the woods with only the crunch of their shoes and the rustle of the wind as their soundtrack. 

Mark sighed before slowly inching closer to Jack. The elf grit his teeth and flared at Mark. "What do you want?" He spat. Mark groaned, "if you wouldn't mind, I might actually need that training. Minx made a good point about going against someone like the Queen of Despair. I want to be as ready as can be." Mark said barely above a whisper. Jack hummed looking away from the human again. "Like I said what do I get out of it?" Mark rolled his eyes. "I dunno, satisfaction?" The spy looked at him with a look that had Mark rethinking his words. "What do you want?" Jack shrugged, "I dunno." 

Mark deadpanned, his arms dropping to his sides. "Are you kidding me?" Jack turning glaring at him, "do I look like I'm kidding?" Mark squeaked backing away. "Nope not one bit!" A moment passed before Jack sighed. "Don't call me a leprechaun." Mark arched an eyebrow. "Hmm?" Jack turned away, "I'll train you if you refrain from calling me a leprechaun." Mark tilted his head slightly. As much as he wanted to, he decided not to ask. "Okay." Jack turned a little surprised when Mark held his hand out. "You have a deal." Jack rolled his eyes but shook the humans hand anyway. "I hope you're ready, because I refuse to go easy on you."

Mark smirked, "I don't need you to go easy on me. I got this!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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