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Mark woke up extra early so he could pack. He had packed three swords, all of his clothes, a two jugs of water, and a medical kit just in case. He knew Bob and Wade would probably pack the same things, but it didn't hurt to have extras. Plus with Bob being a mage, they had plenty of healing. He clipped the bag shut and walked into the kitchen. "Dad?" Mark asked when he saw his dad sitting at the table with a glass of wine. "Hey...Mark." Mark didn't speak as he took the bag off and sat down. After a few moments of silence, Mark finally spoke. "What were they like?" His dad gave him a confused look. "Your team. What were they like?"

A small smile formed on his fathers lips. "I think I would bore you with what I have to say." Now Mark was starting to smile. This was the first father son bonding time they'd had in years. "Well, there was your mom. She was the mage. She was always so brave, there was never a sign of fear on her face when she fought. And she was smart too. One day she would know three spells, the next she'd know thirteen." Mark slightly laughed, unaware that both Bob and Wade had entered the room with bags of their own.

"Then there was Prince Arvid. Boy he was annoying." Mark father laughed. "But he was a pal. He was always going on rants about barrels. Freaking barrels!" He made a small imitation of the prince. "Honestly, I wish we could get in touch, don't know where he went though." "What about the elves?" Wade questioned. Mark jumped, startled at his friends voice. Wade and Bob were both sitting with wide eyes as Marks father told them about his friends. "Well there was Danny. He was our healer. But he knew how to work a sword. He was serious most of the time, so when he would let loose...those were the times.

"I remember once, William had seen a spider on Danny's shoulder and took out a knife. That was the first time Danny ever looked legitimately scared. I still don't know if he was scared of the spider or Williams knife." Mark laughed picturing the event. "Oh William. Poor innocent William. He was a bundles of fun. Always loud and bouncing all over the place. And that was just his normal self, I can't imagine how he would act with coffee in his system." Bob started to laugh while Wade made an attempt to cover his laugh. "Then there was Krism. Krism has always been the more serious of the group. She was like a mother and we were her children. Because believe me we acted like it." Mark dad sighed. "I miss them." The four continued to talk until the sun started to shine through the curtains.

"It's time." Walter said walking out of his room with Wilford. Mark looked at his father who had started to cry. Mark felt his heart hurt and quickly gave his father a hug. "You're leaving?" Mark looked up to see Tom with his arms crossed. "I bet you weren't even going to say goodbye to me." Mark then realized the Tom was more upset then mad. He broke the hug with his father and gave his brother a long hug. "I love you Mark, be safe." Mark pulled away before he could get emotion and grabbed his bag. "Good luck you three." Wilford gave them a thumbs up. Mark looked once more at his family before he stepped out the door.

"Okay. According to this map, a walk to Elvendale would take about...eight hours." Bob said as his shoulders slumped. "Um, I cannot walk for eight hours. Plus we have to stop for food and bathroom breaks!" Wade whined. "Then we'll take a carriage." Mark suggested. Bob looked at his friend. "Not a bad a idea except for these two facts. None of us have a license to drive one, and none of us have someone to drive us. You think they're going to drive us out into the woods without getting suspicious?" The three groaned as they tried to think of a way to get to Elvendale the quickest. 

"Guys I think we're just going to have to suck it up and walk." Bob said. "Wait!" Mark suddenly yelled. "My family has horses! We only have two though so we'll have to share." Bob seemed to think about it while Wade quickly nodded. "I'll ride with Bob. No offense Mark, but I've seen Bob ride a horse and with the way you act with animals, I'm not so sure about riding with you." Mark shrugged and went to go unlock the horses. "What if I don't want to ride with you?" Bob asked getting a very offended look from Wade. "I'm kidding. I wouldn't trust Marks riding either."

Mark came back with two horses. One was all black and one was a tan colour. "I sense a dickishness in the force. We're you two talking about me?" Bob and Wade burst out laughing at Marks...lovely wording. "Just get on the horse." Mark grumbled. Wade and Bob took the tan one while Mark climbed on the black one. "Who has the map?" Mark asked. Bob pulled it out and handed it to Wade. "Now why would you trust him with something like that?" 

"Guys, time is of the essence. I'm shocked that you guys haven't left yet. Just follow the map and get out of here!" Walter yelled after opening the door to see the three boys still there. He slammed the door shut making the three laugh. "Okay Wade, you're going to have to focus. Where are we going?" Bob asked. "Through the forest we used to go hunting in for the most part. If we travel straight for a good...uh. Bob how do you tell time on a map?" The mage rolled his eyes and took the map from Wade. "Two hours." He said before giving it back. "How are we going to tell time?"

"Wade, don't be stupid. Mark has a watch." Mark held up a small silver case and opened it to reveal a watch. "Okay, if we get going now we should finish that part by eight o clock."  With that, they took off...and then they got lost.

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