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"This is it?" Bob asked as they stared over the cliff. Along the walls were various stone buildings, some almost looked abandoned. "Yeah, this is it." Minx muttered. "Are there still people here?" Mark asked kicking a loose rock over the edge. "There has to be." Minx answered again. "Let's go, watch your step." Minx said and started to slowly walk down to the "temple." Yami looked at Jack before grabbing his arms and seemingly dragging him down with him. "This is a death trap." Bob muttered before he followed the elves. 

"Mark, are we really doing this?" Mark turned and saw fear in Wades eyes. "I'm still surprised at it myself. I always thought the legends were a bunch of malarkey." Suddenly Jack laughed. "Ha, malarkey means sh*t." Yami looked at Jack and stared at his blue eyes. "Really man?" Jack slightly laughed now walking on it own.

"Jack confuses me." Wade whispered, trying to avoid Jack hearing him(which is quiet hard considering his incredible hearing. "I think he's bipolar or something." Mark shook his head following Wade down the cliff. "He can't be bipolar. Minx said he's bad with new people, I imagine once he gets used to us he'll let loose a bit." Wade nodded. "Maybe you're right."

Jack bit his lip having heard all of it. They soon reached the stoke floor of one of the buildings. "Now here's out problem, where do we look for the key?" Bob asked. "We could split up. There's three parts to the temple, go in groups?" Yami suggested. "Should we do the same pairs we did for our rooms last night?" Jack asked. The elves shrugged. "If that's okay with you guys." Mark said. Minx nodded. "Then it's settled. Jack and Mark can take the east side, me and Bob will take the This side, and Wade and Yami will take the west side. Sounds good?" No one objected. "Right, now if this temple is abandoned he  there will most likely be weeping angels everywhere. Watch your back." Yami said before everyone went their ways.

"You know what to do if we see one right?" Wade asked. Yami nodded lighting a small torch as the west hall was very dark. "Just keep an eye out for them, and while your at it look for any shine or glow anywhere. The key will be white and glowing." Wade nodded taking out his axe and looking around.

"Bob light please." Bob took out his staff and with two taps to the ground the sphere in the middle started to glow. "Thank ya." Minx laughed. Minx has her how out an arrow in her hand ready to be drawn back at anytime. "Do you only fight with a bow?" Minx shook her head. "I'm an assassin so I should be trained with a knife or dagger. I've got a small one hidden in my boot. Though I hate to admit it, Jack is better with a dagger than me. He's got like, five hidden on him right now." Bob nodded making a note to never make Jack mad.

"Do you guys have magic?" Mark asked. Jack shook his head. "Not really." It was a lie, there were certain elves that had magic. Yami was one of those, and so was Jack though he never really used it. "What does that mean?" Mark asked. Jack groaned. "You ask too many questions. Some of us can some of us can't." Mark nodded. "Can you?" Jack shook his head. "But your dagger?" Jack rolled his eyes and looked at the dagger in his hand that was glowing green. "The dagger is magic, I'm not." Mark nodded slowly.

Wade turned as he heard a snap. "What was that?" Yami asked, his hands slightly shaking. Wade remained silent and swung his ace as something jumped out at him, his neck connecting with the axe cutting it off. The head rolled out in front of them. Yami covered his mouth to hold back a sob. Wade looked at his bloody axe to the decapitated head. It had silver hair, dark grey skin and rotting pointed ears. "Did I kill an elf?" Wade asked panicking. "Sort of, that elf was already dead. Meaning this temple is abandoned." Wade shook slightly. "So it was like, a zombie?" Yami, nodded "let's keep moving."  

Minx yelled as an elf jumped at her. It's rotting skin peeling off and falling to the ground. She pulled an arrow back and shot it straight in the head. Bob walked over and lowered his staff. "Interesting. I read somewhere that when elf's die their skin becomes silver and their hair turns white." Minx nodded. "That's true, this, this isn't supposed to happen." She said gesturing to the dead elf. "I never read that they could turn into zombies." Minx shrugged. "I didn't know they could." Minx bit her tongue she recognized the face of that elf. He wasn't even that old. "Come on..." minx muttered.

Bob nodded tearing his eyes away from the elf. They kept walking along the hallway before the came upon light. Bob flicked away the light from his staff as they entered a small garden. In the middle on a stone pedestal, was the wind key, glowing and slightly floating. Bob smiled and stepped forward but Minx our a hand in front of him. "This seems too easy." They slowly approaches the key and when nothing happened, Minx swiftly grabbed it. "Great, now to find the others." Bob smiled until there was a deep rumbling sound throughout the temple.

"What was that?" Mark asked. Jack looked around as little bits of rock started to fall. "The temples falling in!" He grabbed Marks hand and frantically ran. Mark struggles to keep up with the elf, so Jack started to just drag Mark. Eventually he was able to steady his feet as he took steps, but for every three steps he ran Jack was running like ten. "Jack! Mark!" Minx and Bob came running out of another hallway, the wind key clutches tightly in Minx's hand. "You found it!" Mark cheered. 

"Yes but I'm pretty sure we just destroyed this place in the process." Bob said panting. "Where's Wade and Yami?" Jack asked barely tired. "Here!" Wade yelped as a rock crashed by his head. "Almost dead but it's whatever!" He shouted before the two joined the others in their mad dash to the exit. As they came to the outdoor a big problem struck Mark. "Guys! The temple is on a cliff!" They all stopped as the reached the edge of the cliff. Solid ground stared up at them as rocks started to fall down to the bottom.

A huge crash came from behind them sending the six teammate over the edge, all of them screaming as the ground got closer and closer to them...as did their inevitable death.

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