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"Oh my god we're gonna die! We've barely even got into this journey quest thing and we're already plummeting to our deaths!" Wade screeched. "Look! There's water down there!" Minx pointed. "What if it's too shallow. What if there's rocks right beneath the surface?" Wade kept panicking. "We just have to hope that it's deep enough for us to land safely and swim back up." Minx countered. Mark looked over to jack who looked as if he were having a panick attack. "Jack what's wrong?" Mark asked.

"What wrong is the fact that we are falling towards water of unknown depth, with large rocks falling behind us that could potentially crush us or bash our skull in two!" Wade shouted. "Wade, bud, you gotta calm down." Bob reached out with a hand to put on Wades shoulder. "I-I." The Irishman was at a lost for words. The dark blue waters basically taunting him. "I can't swim..." he muttered. "What?" Mark reaches out and pulled himself towards jack, or jack towards him, he didn't really know. 

"I can't swim." Mark saw the fear in Jacks eyes and grabbed his hand. "Then don't let go." Jack nodded holding Marks hand tighter. "Guys water is very close now!" 

"We know Wade!" Minx shouted. "Deep breaths everyone!" Yami yelled before taking said breath. Bob and Wade did the same. Minx looked around before taking a deep breath. Mark looked to Jack who was staring at the water in fear. "Breath Jack." Jack Let our a shaking breath before he and Mark sucked in a breath before they all it the water. The rocks behind them crashed into it as well. Luckily missing all of them. Wade looked around happy to see here was a whole lot more water left between him and the bottom. 

Bob flicked him in the head before the two swum  up. "What was that for!" Wade grumbled. "Get out of the water." Bob motioned with his head towards the dirt, or rather mud, that was near the edge of the water. Minx and Yami popped up next taking large inhale of air. "You guys good?" Bobs question went unanswered as the two elves shook water from their ears.

"It feels like a pool in there?" Yami complained. "What?" Minx asked trying to shake more water out of her ears. "Where Mark And Jack?" Wade asked beginning to panic again. Bobs eyes widened as he look towards the water. "Mark! Jack!" Now being able to hear Minx narrowed her eyes looking around in the water herself. "Guys?" Now everyone was visibly worried as Yami and Minx made their way out of the water. "Jack! Mark!" Minx yelled. "Um, what is that?" Yami asked pointing towards the water. Everyone's gaze was drawn to the big bubbles that were rising. "Oh dear god..." Bob muttered as they started to back up.

"We bouta fight?" Minx asked drawing her bow. "Most likely." Bob answered bring out his staff.

"GeT oUt Of My WaTeRs!" A scream tore through the air as a giant snake like creature burst through. On a good note though. Mark and Jack were on top of it. "Holy sh*t this thing his huge!" Mark screamed. "Don't just sit On it get  off of it!" bob yelled. "Do you want us to dive in it's waters?!" Mark yelled back. Minx growled, "well just have to kill it then." Without another word she shot an arrow into one of its eyes. The beast screeched before launching itself at the elf. Minx yelped quickly hopping  away before the snake could most likely eat her. "Guys get off of it." Yami advised joe that the snakes head was over land. Mark and Jack slid off of the snakes back quickly drawing their weapons.

"Okay now I feel safe again." Mark declared with a smirk. "I wouldn't do that just yet, we have to take this thing down first." Bob remind him. "Right." Mark groaned. "AhAh!" The snake tried to clamp it's jaw down on Wade who dodged before dealing a blow to her jaw. She reared back from wade only on to be stabbed in the other eye by Jack. The snake screamed as he jumped down now being blind. "Cut her head off!" Yami ordered. Mark gripped his sword tighter and with the help of Bob jumped over the snakes head and cut through her neck. 

The body slumped as he head rolled back into the water. The group sighed panting slightly. "Oh man-" wade slumped to the ground "that was exhausting." Yami chuckled patting wade on the shoulder. "You did good." Wade huffed crossing his arms. "Where's the key?" Jack asked. Minx sighed holding it up. "That's one key down, three to go." Wade cheered from the ground laying down onto his back. "We're making progress!" Bob sighed. "Yes but now we are all wet along with our supplies."

Wade sat back up distraught. "Wait what!" Yami nodded holding up the drenched map. "It's true, well have to wait on our things to dry before we can move on." Mark groaned joining Wade on the ground. "Awesome..." minx crosses her arms. "I guess we'd better hand stuff up to dry and sit and wait for a while. Luckily there's a breeze so it shouldn't be too long of a wait." Jack nodded in agreement. "These branches will work well. Anything you would like to dry go ahead and hand up." 

The group got to work everyone hanging up any bags they brought with them. Mark hung up his armor so that it wouldn't weigh down on him, wade made sure to grab his granola bar sighing in sadness when he saw it was soggy, Minx hung up her cloak and hood, Jack hung up the overshirt and good that he had one leaving him in a tank underneath, and Yami hung up his jacket as well.

The group settled down in a circle, playing with leaves or a stick not really knowing what to do. "At least we have on of the keys. And only had to put up a small fight for it." Yami commented. No one said anything causing Yami to huff and point his chin in his hand. Mark sighing lying back onto the ground with a groan. 

Off to a great start my warriors, but trust me when I say you will not be ready for what I have

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