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Holy moly, I didn't know that the morning mass here was slightly empty, not a lot of people are around to pay a visit to the big lord upstairs, but that's alright... they don't have to do that... they could do it anywhere they want.

Sometimes it sure gets a little tedious and lonely without them. Yup.
Our oldest member of the church Mrs. Clim has recently passed away from food poisoning... it was devastating and unexpected. She would come to church and say hi to the sisters and the choir and Father Tanner. Her spirit was so joyfully moving  in the church and the whole town as well. Now that she's gone, it's a little tedious and lonely.

Lonely days.... but I don't want to talk about being sad nor lonely.... that's never my intention. My job is to smile and make people happy and say good things... not bad. Bad things aren't so good at all... it brings you in a state of darkness... and that is no way to live.

If you're gonna live in this world might as well be happy. And live life as you choose to live it.

Cheese and crackers, I hope the service ends soon, so I could go to the supermarket and buy some groceries and protein and vegetables to cook dinner for my guest... my friend. I'm sorry, I blaspheme to get out of this house sooner. I'm just so excited and eager. You would, too... if you had to cook for two.

And in the father, the son, the Holy Spirit. Amen

KOI FISH ROMANCE IN IOWA //🐟  A NOVEL  🐟// BY: MR. OMAR KINGWhere stories live. Discover now