Jordan Mission & Awakening

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I grinned before disappearing from their view, reappearing behind one of them. Before punching him with a chakra laced fist, I had to mess with him.

"Boo." I whispered in his eat and he screamed like a little girl. I couldn't help but to laugh as I punched him. He flew a good five feet before I ran in an impossible speed to the next guy, kicking him in the chest and the head with a good old fashioned double kick. He was out cold on the ground in an instant.

I giggled, taking joy to this easy fight. These days it wasn't often that I got to fight.

One man backed up and fled to the car. He didn't drive away for some reason. I punched the last man and kicked him in the groin, watching while he fell unconscious.

"Well, that was ea-" I was cut off by Jordan screaming. I whipped around and saw a new guy dragging her into the car and shutting the door. "Damn!" I cursed. It sucked not having as good senses in this body. And that nobody else had chakra.

I sprinted after the car as it sped away and latched myself on the back. I crawled under the car with chakra protecting my arms and legs from this almost unbearable heat that I was being forced to take ahold to.

"I hope they don't do anything to Jordan in the car." I muttered angrily.

It was a while before the car stopped and I peeked to the side. We were at an apartment complex, maybe a clan compound. I saw six sets of footsteps come out and open the sliding car door.

"Don't touch me!" Jordan's frightened voice shrieked. I made that the signal and rolled out of the car away from the people. I jumped onto the top of the car with ease and saw everything. Eight men were dragging out Jordan and she was trying her best to resist but it was obvious that she was drugged or something.

"Hey assholes," I called, getting their attention. Jordan looked at me with a whole spark of hope in her eyes.

"Alcide! You've come!" Jordan slurred. I waved casually at her before dropping myself to the ground.

"What clan are you people from?" I asked and looked to what seemed like the leader. It was the man that took Jordan in the first place.

"West Side, bitch!" one guy replied and made some odd hand sign. I tensed, preparing myself for a jutsu, but then remembered there was no chakra in this world.

"Jordan, play dead." I commanded and she collapsed. "Good girl." I mumbled.

"Hey! Get up!" the man that had ahold of Jordan yelled, shaking her. She remained still, making me smirk.

"Sabrina told me not to use any chakra... But what's the fun in that?" I said loudly and did a set of hand signs.

"Mud restraints!" I yelled and hit the ground with my hands. Jordan looked up and watched amazed as the concrete groaned before cracking in half, mud shooting out and capturing all of the men.

"Alcide... You're naughty." Jordan smiled weakly before fainting. I ran and quickly caught her before she completely hit the ground and picked her up bridal style. I set her in the car and looked back to the men.

"You're glad I'm not killing you off, West Side clan." I hissed and closed the car door. I went on the drivers side and turned the keys. I flinched at the loud noise it made and grabbed ahold of the steering wheel.

"Let's see... Brenna used this pedal to go and this one to stop. And somehow she could go backwards." I said to myself. "It can't be that hard!"

I stepped on the go pedal only to fly forward. My eyes widened and I stomped on the brake. My face flew forward and smacked against the turning wheel.

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