Feathers, Fathers, and Festivals

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Feathers Fathers and Festivals

And I know before the chuunin exams that there isn't a festival. But I wanted one. So HAH. xD


My eyes flicked opened and I let out a quiet yawn. My head was against Naruto's bare chest, so I could hear his strong heartbeat.

Ba-bump... Ba-bump...

A loud knock on the door caused me to groan loudly. I forced myself up and Naruto moaned.

"Ugh... Get the door..." he muttered. I sighed and got up and stumbled to the door. I glanced down and noticed I didn't have my bandages on, therefore showing all of my scars, and my tiny ass chest.

I miss those big melons. They were the perfect size!

I sighed tiredly and let out a big yawn. I got to the door and opened it slowly.

"Sasuke..." I glared, now more awake than ever. My sharingan eye was open, watching his every move. He stiffened under my harsh gaze and looked to the side.

"Kakashi sent me here." he announced and I pursed my lips. Of course he would know that I was here.

"Why?" I asked through gritted teeth. He sighed quietly before looking at me determinedly, sharingan flaring and everything.

"Kill Itachi Uchiha with me!" my eye widened.

Itachi... Uchiha...

That was Sasuke's older brother. The one who massacred the clan, and most likely killed my mother along with them. I wasn't sure if my mother was alive until then, but I would think so.

"Why would you ask for my help?" I asked and he turned off his sharingan.

"Because I need to gain as much power as I can, and you're the only way!" I smirked at him with a nasty gleam in my eye.

I came closer to Sasuke until we were almost bumping chests.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you betrayed me." I spat and gave him a glare that was filled with hate. "You don't deserve my help. I came here just to protect you until my Dad came. But you couldn't put the fact that we are related aside. You are not the only one who lost people in the massacre. I lost my mother."

I stepped back and turned to go inside.

"You can go die in a hole for all I care. Tell Kakashi that he's on your level as well as far as friendliness goes." with that I shut the door and went back into the bedroom, to find Naruto sitting there waiting for my return.

"Wow... You really aren't on good terms with many people right now, are you?" it wasn't much of a question, so I dismissed it and sat next to him.

"I used to never give people second chances. I gave Kakashi, what, three chances? Sasuke doesn't deserve any of my kindness either for that matter." I explained and he nodded.

"Well, the festival before chuunin exams start is today... Do you want to go with me?" he asked and blushed slightly.

I pondered this.

"Well, more than half of Konoha's population knows me as a boy still, and to keep peace with the other countries, I should probably still go as a boy... You still want me to go with you?" I smiled halfway and he shrugged.

"You'll still be the Alcide I lo-like." he corrected quickly at the end. I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment but shrugged it off anyways.

"Alright. Well, do you have any bandages?" I asked and he nodded.

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