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I had a terrible day today. I won't go into any details, but I will say that I learned the meaning of 'hate'. Sad Face.

Oh well, I thought writing might clear my mind. I'm at my cousins house currently, so it may be short like the past couple of chapters. But please understand.

Oh, and I'l maybe change the chapter title, because that's not the one I had planned to have. 

And for those of you who are asking if she'll ever go back to the real world, I'll just say this; there's a reason for the title of this story.

In fact...


Anna's P.O.V

I looked around for Alcide, but couldn't find her. It was the middle of the night, and a thunderstorm had came out of nowhere- therefore waking me up.

Should I go wake Brenna up? I wasn't sure if I should, because she had work bright and early in the morning.

I sat on my bed pouting. It was fun having a Naruto character come here for a little while, but now the fun has ended. The only weird thing that I noticed was that the first day she came was on the day after Naruto went on a short break for the first time. Now, today the next episode comes out on the internet.

In fact...

I gasped and looked outside my window, and then frantically at my digital clock. It was 5:01 AM. And as I looked back out my window, I had a face filled with suprise. The skies were clear, with a sunrise that had beautiful hues of pinks, reds, and oranges.

(A.N.: my cousin is making me watch American Horror Story so I'm currently not looking at the screen. So forgive me for making mistakes.)

 As I watched the sky, a thought occured to me.

It is 5 in the morning when the new episodes of Naruto comes out.

Alcides's P.O.V.

I struggled to get out of bed this morning. I felt defeated. I spent the whole night trying to find Dad's whereabouts, but came up empty handed. All I knew was that Kabuto was somewhere in the Forest of Death, along with my other team members.

I had no idea what to do. Do I go to the Hokage and warn him? Or do I leave him in the dark so he doesn't worry. Because if Dad knows he knows about him, the Hokage wouldn't live for another day.

I finally forced myself out of bed, stumbling my first few steps. I let out a soft groan and held my head with my hand. My head was pounding hard and I didn't really know why. It just, hurt.

Gai walked in quietly and got himself a cup of coffee, which was strange. I don't think I've ever seen him with a cup of coffee. The man had way to much energy to begin with.

Another thing that I frowned about was how quiet he was. Normally he would be happy to see me, saying something or another about me being a 'butterfly'. Or he would grab me in a hug and swing me around, trying to cheer me up in such a retarted and ridiculous way.

But he was silent, as he got his coffee and returned to his room, shutting and locking the door.

I sighed miserably. I just didn't want to deal with him right now. I had mor important issues that are much, much more important.

For instants, protecting the village and more importantly, the Hokage from Dad. Or perhaps dealing with the relationship that Kakashi and I have. Or even trying to figure out how to travel between the two worlds.

But I didn't want to deal with the man who once called me his 'son'. I didn't have time. Because by the time I deal with Gai, Dad and Kabuto would have gone through with whatever they had planned. And I couldn't let that happen.

I got my own cup of coffee and sat on the futon I called bed. Maybe I should just go stay at Naruto's to keep it lived in and make sure there weren't any theives coming and going as they pleased. They would target his apartment.

I sipped on my coffee in deep thought, hoping my friends were doing alright in the second exams. I would be able to see them in three days, so all I could do was sit and wait.

I let out a soft sigh.

"Don't do anything stupid." I whispered to myself.

Life in the Real World. (LAAB Sequel!)Where stories live. Discover now