Chapter 6

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Perhaps Madara should have reflected more about the inevitable consequences his actions and inactions would bring into the past. One of them was even staring vigilantly at him in the eye. Rather than Hashirama, Madara was looking at the rather boyish features of one Senju Tobirama, the shinobi who would one day become the boogieman to all Uchiha children.

The boy looked as young as ten-years-old, maybe younger even, with a black sleeveless shirt tucked into unfashionable hakama pants, followed by a pair of wooden flip-flops. His arms, without any armor to pad it, looked skinny and frail. It made Madara soften ever so slightly, but he kept his distance, knowing that despite his young age, Tobirama was not to be underestimated.

What the future 'White Demon of the Senju' was doing at this particular creek when Madara had been - and still was - eagerly expecting for one Senju Hashirama's appearance was something that was of little interest to him. His only desire was to re-acquaint himself with his former best friend... if he was even allowed to call then-Hashirama as such after the cringe-worthy stunt he pulled in the future-that-wouldn't-occur.

Knowing that it would take a miracle for this younger version of his adversary to catch Madara unaware, he returned to skipping rocks on the waters' surface, already having put the baby Senju out of mind, but still aware of his movements. Funnily enough, after so long of throwing nothing but weapons, he has all but forgotten the technique required to make rocks skip further than twice.

As predicted, on its third skip, the rock sunk depressingly into the waters.

Unexpectedly, however, was the disdainful scoff heard from behind him, causing his muscles to loosen in preparation for any imminent attacks.

The sound reminded him far too much of that grouchy Senju who constantly threw barbs at him during his time in Konohagakure, whispering ridiculous Uchiha conspiracies into Hashirama's ears. Madara instantly became enraged (mortified), mind clouded with the many memories of them antagonizing each other to hell and back.

Madara would not be Madara if he allowed this insult to go unpunished. Moreover, he could never tolerate anyone standing behind him, paranoia and 'what ifs' always clawing insistently at his whole being.

"Don't stand behind me!" Madara screeched, "Arsehole! You're obviously trying to distract me, you damn git!"

And without his say so, his body acted on engraved habit; he swirled and shot a pebble at the younger male, before readying himself for Tobirama to avoid his projectile with infuriating ease and insult Madra's 'lack of' accuracy afterward. However, his action must have been wholly unforeseen - weirdly enough - if he judged the look correctly.

The pebble bounced off Tobirama's forehead innocently, leaving a circular red dot in place as proof of what had occurred not two seconds ago.




"Pfft-!" Madara snorted unattractively at the completely nonplussed expression the albino was wearing before losing all restraint. He threw his head back and roared with laughter, hands on his stomach as he fought to keep the mirthful tears at bay.

His brazen sniggering, unfortunate, snapped the befuddled Senju back to reality. With an absolutely livid glare (which Madara secretly found adorable, not that he would ever verbalize that out loud), the Senju swung an angry fist towards Madara in retaliation.

Having expected as much from the short-fused savant, he easily side-stepped the younger shinobi's punch. Madara then goaded Tobirama as per routine - similar to how they would often squabble over every little matter, which they, strangely enough, covertly appreciated due to it being quite the stress-reliever.

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