Chapter 22

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As soon as the contingent of Uchiha has relocated themselves inside the large, military green tent, Madara lowers himself onto a zaisu chair at the only table available, directly across from where Hashirama has already seated himself at. Izuna took a seat not a second later at Madara's right, and Tobirama at Hashirama's left. Itama and Kawarama both stopped outside, probably not a member of the bureaucratic team.

The rest of the Uchiha delegation lined in formal seiza behind of him, whilst the Senju council was already allocated behind their clan head.

Hashirama appeared sprightly, his grin so wide that it was on the verge of splitting his face in half. Madara settles for a smirk as a greeting, knowing that any other expression would make him look deranged or unhinged rather than non-hostile. He wishes he could have a personal chat with Hashirama after this meeting - or maybe during one of their breaks if there was time for it.

The rest of the people here sans Tobirama (incredible poker face as always), however, were stiff and looking at each other with explicit wariness.

Poor Izuna appeared ready to bolt to Madara's keen eyes, uncomfortable with the close proximity to the two powerhouses that were Hashirama and Tobirama. Or perhaps it was due to the Senju outnumbering them 1 to 3 inside the tent, not counting the guards situated at the entrance and the army outside.

Madara wanted to wrap his arms around Izuna and soothe his little brother's distress away, but any show of weakness right now was ill adviced. He settles for discreetly placing a hand on his brother's thigh, squeezing it once in an attempt to comfort.

Just when he was about to remove his appendage, Izuna's clammy fingers intertwined with his glove-clad ones. Noticing the nervous twitches, Madara didn't have the heart to pull back despite all logical reasonings (his brotherly instincts prohibits him from doing so). He was thankful that the table obstructed any curious eyes from what was happening from the waist down, at the very least.

Madara soon directs his attention to the Senju patriarch.

"I thank you for the warm reception and this prime opportunity of an alliance, Hashirama-dono."

Madara hated formalities. However, at this point in time, it was a necessity.

The Senju elders would nitpick anything to deny them this alliance, hence, they needed to be politically smart in their choice of actions and words. Judging by the grimace on Hashirama's face, the Senju has the same impression. Kind-hearted and easy to forgive Senju Hashirama may be, but a fool he was not.

"It should be I who thank you for proposing a treaty between our clans, Madara-dono," Hashirama says, tone and expression dripping with utmost sincerity, "I, Senju Hashirama, officially commence the Senju-Uchiha Peace Conference with Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Izuna. Let our clansmen bear witness to our amicable exchange at the prospect of an alliance."

As soon as Hashirama announces the beginning of the conference, Madara cut right to the chase, his tone solemn and profound. Uchiha Madara has never been one to beat around the bush if there was no need to do so.

"I have already prepared a few stipulations beforehand. As it is but a rough draft, any terms you believe that need to be revised can be negotiated."

Hikaku got up and passes around a copy of the bill Madara had written to the rest of the Senju council, lest they bitch about the Uchiha trying to one-up them. Izuna, on the other hand, directly hands Hashirama and Tobirama each a copy of the drafted proposal whilst Madara articulates each term word for word, pausing only when someone asks him to elaborate further on a segment.

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