Chapter 34

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Itama was sweating unsightly, much akin to a pig, as the gazes of his clansmen penetrate his core being. Undoubtedly, they were curious about the courtesan he was escorting personally by the arm, and judging him for it. From the civilian portion of his clan, many they passed gave him disapproving and/or scandalized glances. Never has he shrunk into the collar of his robes so much before, in some way, feeling chastised despite having done nothing wrong.

"Shishou," Itama couldn't help whinging, though he kept his voice down and lips unreadable. "Why are you dressed like this?"

Rather than answering the question, Dara-shishou deflected, "How do I look?" he asked in a voice that was too coy for Itama's liking. It made goosebumps appear everywhere.

Unsure if he should give his honest feedback or not, he silently cursed the Uchiha in his heart while smiling shakily, "It... suits you." And somehow, oddly enough, his words rang true. "But isn't this getup too risky? I mean, that's your face - and isn't your face well known? You have a reputation that exceeds Hi no Kuni."

"You would think it is," shishou huffed, a bemused expression appearing on his lightly powdered face. "I would think it is. But apparently, even my own clansmen recognized me not. I did encounter quite a few of them on my way here. Some even had the gall to ask me how much I'd cost for an hour. I am, thoroughly, disturbed by their attempts to bed me."

"... Really?" Itama asked doubtfully, feeling slightly unnerved himself. Surely, regardless of the strange choice of disguise, they would recognize their own clan head, right...? Despite how concealed his chakra was, shishou wasn't even wearing that much makeup!

(Within the confines of his mind, Itama secretly had this tiny desire to see what kind of expression shishou had made when the first Uchiha came to him with that proposition. That would've, undoubtedly, been hilarious.)




Itama could only shake his head at that, feeling somewhat helpless at the news. "Uh, at least Tobi-nii will be able to recognize you from a mile away?" He tried to console.

Shishou, rather than realize his attempt for what it was, snapped his fan closed with a scoff, almost scaring him half to death with how loud of a sound it made. Wait a second! Was that folding fan made out of iron? Did shishou really bring a tessen into their compound?! That was such a security breach! Tobi-nii would definitely punish the guard on duty if he found out! Poor Yoshimaru. Itama could already hear his clansman's wrongful weeping in the back of his head.

"Tobirama does not see people with sight, idiot disciple. We both know how... delicate his eyes."

... That wasn't what he meant, but Itama already knew how dense his shishou was. Before he could try and correct the misunderstanding, shishou had already provocatively wrapped an arm around his waist, which caused him to break into cold sweat.

His clansmen's gazes were now twice as painful and cutting. And judging by shishou's smirk, the Uchiha was having a great time acting coquettish right now.

Itama wants to cry.

This damn devil of a master...

Madara was having the time of his life.

As Daraku, not only was he able to act as he pleased without a care for his reputation, he was also able to walk alongside his student practically in enemy territory. Life was good. Itama, on the other hand, has long worn a funny expression, as if bitten a particularly sour lemon and couldn't rid the taste of it.

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