Chapter 20

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Izuna had been acting oddly as of three days ago, despondent and full of worry.

It had started shortly after Madara brought up the matter about writing an armistice to send to the Senju during the meeting with his newly established council. As they had all been in agreement that day, Izuna's abrupt change of behavior was highly suspicious.

On the outside, Madara feigns ignorance. However, whenever Izuna looks away, Madara would scrutinize him with sharp and attentive eyes that flicker crimson ever so often.

Today, only the two of them were present for dinner, as Hikari was under 'room arrest', Ryouta was away on an important mission, and the twins were on patrol duty with Hikaku and his team as official tagalongs; novice soldiers (genin) that were ordered to observe and learn rather than to actively participate.

Since they were alone, it was as good a time as any to confront this odd behavior of Izuna's.

Removing all outward traces of worry and concern as to prevent clueing Izuna of anything, Madara set his chopsticks aside and cleared his throat. Izuna turned his attention to him not a second later, his little brother's pools of onyx eyes unusually flat despite the curious quirk of his eyebrow and the soft smile playing on his lips.

It was unnerving.

Izuna was emotive and tends to split his lips into a playful grin or a smug smirk. Never a soft smile. Not without reason, at least.

The nauseating familiarity made Madara nervous. And no matter how much he tries to clear his mind to start his questioning, the anxiety was clawing up his throat and causing his lungs to constrict painfully. Forget speaking, he felt it hard to even breath.

What if-

("You can't trust them, aniki," His remaining little brother whispers into his ear, his voice as sweet as honey and his face devoid of any emotions even if his lips were curled into a soft smile.

Madara allows Izuna to wrap his slender, calloused hands around his glove-clad ones, tenderly prying the quill he was clutching against his chest and taking away the missive Hashirama had sent - words of an alliance and peace between their clans - and the unfinished reply he had been writing up until a second ago.

"But..." He tries to explain to his brother that Hashirama was not a liar, that he could be trusted to stay true to his words, that his dream was to stop this pointless war between their clans; just like Madara's - but Izuna was already shaking his head, the grip on his hands tightened to an almost painful degree.

"No, aniki. You can't trust him. His words are all too good to be true. He will bring the Uchiha clan to ruins. You can't accept this alliance, aniki. Please. Trust me. I only want to protect you and do best for the clan. Don't you trust me?"

There was a moment of silence. And then there was a soft exhale, full of resigned acceptance and dolefulness.

"... Ok. I won't. I trust you, Izuna."

"Thank you. I assure you that your trust is not misplaced. I love you, aniki," His little brother crooned, lips lingering on Madara's cheek as arms snaked loosely around his waist, thumbs rubbing ticklish circles onto his hips.

He should've felt warm at his brother's show of affection. But all he felt was a chilling sensation crawling up his spine. He felt an incredulous urge to push Izuna away, but at the same time, why would he want to do that to his remaining family member?

This was Izuna. His beloved younger brother. A person who would never betray him. A person who looks at him and see Madara as a human, not a monster.

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