Chapter 21

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Madara, with his chin tilted arrogantly upwards and his arms crossed domineeringly on his chest, stood in front of the Senju compound gates, Izuna to his right and Hikaku his left.

A delegation of a few handpicked council members and elite guards stood behind him as they all waited for the Senju to open their gates. One of his kin wore a navy blue sashimono with the Uchiwa fan and Envoy sewed on it, a sign to prove their identity and show their intentions.

It was... a peculiar feeling for Madara to be the one who extends an olive branch for a cease-fire between their clans.

Then-Hashirama used to be the one who screamed about peace as they fought, sending missive after missive persistently. Now, it was the other way around (without the screaming and persistence as only one letter was enough for Hashirama to agree to a meeting). Madara would've laughed out loud if he wasn't so choked with contrite emotions.

Other than that, he was thankful that Tobirama has also agreed, after much insistence on Madara's part, to persuade the Senju clan's council on behalf of his dorky older brother.

As much as Madara trusted Hashirama to fully accept his future offers to an alliance, to build a settlement that would one day become the legendary Konohagakure no Sato, the old fogeys were always the first to oppose and a young Hashirama who has just become the clan head has yet to fully understand how to silence them.

A shrewd politician his once-best friend may grow into one day, but currently, he was only a twenty-one-year-old dreamer, still wet behind the ears to truly understand the vicious yet subtle game called politics. A Tobirama who was not blinded by hatred of all Uchiha-related things was a blessing in disguise.

When the gates of the Senju compound finally opened, revealing one bristling Senju Tobirama standing at the front of five other fully armed Senju soldiers, Madara hid a smug smile behind his high collar, enjoying the way Tobirama's ruby red eyes had narrowed, having seen through Madara's amusement with just that simple action alone.

"State the purpose of your business here, Uchiha."

Tobirama folded his arms over his blue chest plate, fingerpads tapping against a toned bicep in what others might assume to be a sign of impatient displeasure. However, to Madara, it was a message. Their secret code used often across the battlefield to snark and banter during their fathers' boring face-off.

Why are you here?! The elders are still persistently oppugnant! Scram! - was what Tobirama was trying futilely to drill into Madara's head.

Madara only crinkled his eyes in an innocent manner, taking wicked delight at how Tobirama seethed silently behind his icy exterior, fingers increasing in speed to spew creative insults and cusses, all of which Madara pretended to misinterpret as a sign to say his greetings out loud. Ah, it was always such a pleasure to tease the ever stoic iceberg into losing his composure.

"I am Uchiha Madara, patriarch of the Uchiha clan. These people are from my council. We mean no harm by coming here and only wish to request an audience with Senju Hashirama, patriarch of the Senju clan, and his administrative body."

The Senju squad were all tensed, fingers twitching closer to their weapons when he introduced himself. Madara knew that there were a lot of horror stories linked to his name, hence he took great effort to appear utterly harmless. He was currently free of any weapons or armor, having kept his infamous gunbai in his storage seal before their arrival here.

Although by the look of things, the Senju squad didn't appear to be mollified by his good manners and tact.

What a tough bunch to placate.

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