Chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV

"Park Jimin!!!!!!!" I yelled at that stupid mochi while running around to chase him.

"Come catch me Tae!!" that mochi.

Okay, so we were currently running down the hallway of the school where many people were watching us.

You may be wondering why I'm chasing this little mochi around.

He just stole my banana milk!!!

How dare you you little mochi!!

As we were running, Jimin accidentally bumped into a random person, causing him to fall backwards.

"Chim!! Are you alright?!" I quickly ran over to him, worried as if he would get injured.

"Nahh, it's alright Tae, don't worry about me," he just chuckled.

"Stupid mochi!!" I exclaimed and slapped the back of his head.

"Ouch!! What you do that for?!"

"That's what you get for stealing my banana milk!!" I huffed out.

"Eh-hem," a cough interrupted our little talk.

Oh... Right. That stupid mochi just bumped into a person...

We both got up to apologize to the person for bumping into him.

"We're sorry for earlier," I apologized first while bowing 90 degrees to the person.

Just then, I realized Jimin isn't apologizing.

I sighed, saying

"Jimin, please apologize,"

But Jimin just stood there silence.

Aishhhhh, this mochi!!

"PARK JIMIN, please apologize!!"



"What do you mean 'No'?" I asked, looking at him.

I could sense tension around us.

Jimin just stared at the person with hard eyes.

"Stay away from us, loser," Jimin stated.

I gasped.

"Jimin!! How dare you!!" I was about to scold him when the person we bumped into earlier, more like Jimin did, spoke.

"I-It's alright,"

Wait... Jungkook?!

I quickly looked up to see Jungkook just staring at the floor.

He looked like he's about to...cry?

Oh no you didn't Jimin!!

How dare you made my bunny cry!!

Just as I was about to say something, Jungkook just ran away the opposite direction, away from us.

"Jungkook!!" I yelled, hoping to catch his attention, but failed.

I sighed again.

Just then, I was being pulled away by Jimin.

I glared at him, yanking my wrist off of him.

"That wasn't nice, Jimin!! How could you do that to an innocent boy?!"

Jimin just stared at me, then said.

"I don't like him,"

"Well, even if you don't like him, you shouldn't do that!!" I argued.

"Just...don't get too close to him... He's not what you expected..."

"Like what?! He's just a boy!!"

"Oh, Tae. You're just too innocent,"

And with that, I was being dragged again by this mean mochi back to our class.

Maybe Taehyung should've listened to him...

He should've realized that 'he' was wearing the 'innocent' mask all the time, just to fool others...

Too late now...

 I think this will be the worst chapter of all time!! 😂 no hating on the overprotective mochi!!! 😆😂

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