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"Citizens, this is Senator-in-exile Gall Trayvis. I bring more news the Empire doesn't want you to hear. One of the Republic's greatest peacekeepers, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, is alive. She has been imprisoned unlawfully somewhere in the Stygeon system. As citizens, we demand the Emperor produce Master Unduli and grant her a fair trial before the entire Sen---"

And before he could speak anymore, the interruption from the Senator (in exile) was cut off, the Empire able to cut his connection. "Marking another successful planetary liberation utilizing the Base Delta Zero initiative." Hera turns the holonet off, knowing none of the rebels want to hear what they have to say. She looks over at Kanan, studying the hidden sadness on his face. 

"What do you say, love? Do you think we should try?" She watches as Kanan ponders the short information given before it was cut off. 

"Did you know this Luminara person?" Zeb questions, gaining the man's attention before he could respond to Hera. He nods solemnly. 

"I met her. Once. She was a great Jedi Master brave, compassionate, disciplined. There've always been rumors she survived the Clone Wars, but they never came with a specific location before. We can't pass this up." He looks at Hera as she nods. 

"I thought you would say that. I'll go set course for the Stygeon system. The rest of you, go prep for an op." The three rebels nod as Chopper follows Hera, the two going off to the Ghost's cockpit. As Sabine and Zeb exit the commons, Kanan's attention is turned back to Hera as she calls him. "Do you think it could be a trap, Kanan?" Kanan goes to reply but stops himself. He rethinks his answer.

"Most likely." 

"So we're going straight into a trap?" Kanan shrugs. "Couldn't we ask Ezra if she-"

"No." Hera looks at him in surprise. The quick no had cut her off before she even finished her sentence. "We need to give him time. He's been through a lot these past few days." Hera nods in understanding. 

"Alright. Jumping into hyperspace."


As the Phantom enters the atmosphere of Stygeon Prime, carefully making its way to the Spire, the Specters come up with a plan.

"Since this is the only Imperial detainment facility in the Stygeon system, it's impregnable," Sabine states, pulling up a map of the facility from Chopper.

"That's never stopped us before," Kanan says smugly.

"Yeah," Sabine laughs. "Trust me. We haven't faced anything like this before. It's a work of art. Blast proof, ray shielded, protected by anti-ship weapons, TIE fighters and short and long range scanners. Even if we get in, there's probably a slim chance we'll get out."

"Is this even worth it, Kanan?" Zeb asks, looking at the man. "How do we even know this Luminara person is here?" Kanan sighs, closing his eyes. Zeb is about to ask what he's doing, but Sabine elbows him, telling him to shut it. Opening his eyes, Kanan looks confused. 

"Luminara's here. I sense her presence, but," He shakes his head. "t's clouded." Zeb sighs.

"Fine. Then what's the plan?" Chopper makes a few beeps, gaining Sabine's attention. 

What about going in low and sneaking onto a landing platform?

"Chopper, platforms are heavily guarded. There's heavy trooper presence and reinforced blast doors. Impossible to get in or out that way." 

"Mmm, well, Chopper may be onto something," Kanan says, scratching his goatee. "Look." He points toward a spot on the map while Chopper makes a haha noise at Sabine. "There's only room for a couple guards. We take them down, make our way to the upper-level isolation cells, free Luminara and come back out the way we came in." Chopper then makes the haha noise at Kanan, a few beeps following.

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